Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

- (A) 1
- (B) A/s
- (C) A/s2
- (D) A/s3
2 Which terminology deals with the excitation or stimulus applied to the system from an external source for the generation of an output?
- (A) Input signal
- (B) Output signal
- (C) Error signal
- (D) Feedback signal
3 Basically, zeros of transfer function are the Laplace transform variable values which causes the transfer function to become ___________
- (A) Zero
- (B) Unity
- (C) Infinite
- (D) Average value
4 According to the property of impulse test signal, what is the value of an impulse at t = 0?
- (A) Zero
- (B) Unity
- (C) Infinite
- (D) Unpredictable
5 By equating the denominator of transfer function to zero, which among the following will be obtained?
- (A) Poles
- (B) Zeros
- (C) Both a and b
- (D) None of the above
6 The output signal is fed back at the input side from the _________point
- (A) Summing
- (B) Differential
- (C) Take-off
- (D) All of the above
7 Which among the following are solely responsible in determining the speed of response of control system?
- (A) Poles
- (B) Zeros
- (C) Speed of input
- (D) All of the above
8 If a pole is located at s = -1 in left-hand plane (LHP), how will it be represented in Laplace domain?
- (A) 1/ s + 1
- (B) 1/ s – 1
- (C) s/ s + 1
- (D) s/ s – 1
9 If an error signal e(t) of an ON-OFF controller is found to be greater than zero, what would be its output?
- (A) 10%
- (B) 50%
- (C) 80%
- (D) 100%
10 In P-I controller, what does an integral of a function compute?
- (A) Density of curve
- (B) Area under the curve
- (C) Volume over the curve
- (D) Circumference of curve
11 A good control system should be sensitive to __________
- (A) Internal disturbances
- (B) Environmental parameters
- (C) Parametric variations
- (D) Input signals (except noise)
12 For the transfer function given below, where does the zero of the system lie? G(s) = (5s -1) / (s2 + 5s + 4)
- (A) s = -1 & s = -1/4
- (B) s = -4 & s = -1
- (C) s = 1/5
- (D) s = -1/5
13 a signal is passed through an integrator, it _____the amplitude of noise signal.
- (A) Enhances
- (B) Reduces
- (C) Stabilizes
- (D) Factorizes
14 Laplace transform of an impulse response is regarded as _____function of the system
- (A) Analytic
- (B) Parabolic
- (C) Transfer
- (D) Hypothetical
15 If finite number of blocks are connected in series or cascade configuration, then how are the blocks combined algebraically?
- (A) By addition
- (B) By multiplication
- (C) By differentiation
- (D) By integration
16 In time domain system, which response has its existence even after an extinction of transient response?
- (A) Step response
- (B) Impulse response
- (C) Steady state response
- (D) All of the above
17 If a type 0 system is subjected to step input, what is its effect on steady state error?
- (A) It increases continuously
- (B) It remains constant
- (C) It decreases monotonically
- (D) It gets subjected to another input
18 In Routh array, if zero is found in the first column, then by which term it needs to be replaced?
- (A) δ
- (B) η
- (C) σ
- (D) ε
19 In a second order system, if the damping ratio is equal to ‘0’, then what would be the nature of roots?
- (A) Imaginary
- (B) Real and equal
- (C) Real but not equal
- (D) Complex conjugate
20 In P-D controller, the derivative action plays a significant role in increasing _______ of response.
- (A) Time
- (B) Distance
- (C) Speed
- (D) Volume
21 What should be the nature of bandwidth for a good control system?
- (A) Large
- (B) Small
- (C) Medium
- (D) All of the above
22 If an impulse response of a system is cos6t, what would be its transfer function?
- (A) s/ (s2 –36)
- (B) s/ (s2+36)
- (C) s/ (s+6)
- (D) (s2 – 6s)/ (s-6)
23 At summing point, more than one signal can be added or _________
- (A) Subtracted
- (B) Multiplied
- (C) Both a and b
- (D) None of the above
24 On which factor does the steady state error of the system depend?
- (A) Order
- (B) Type
- (C) Size
- (D) Prototype
25 If the system is represented by characteristic equation s3 + s2 + 3s + 3 = 0, then the system is_________
- (A) Stable
- (B) Unstable
- (C) Marginally stable
- (D) Unpredictable
26 Which architectural unit/block of PLC decides the sequence of different operations to be executed by means of instructions written in memory?
- (A) Memory
- (B) Programming software
- (C) I/O interface
- (D) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
27 The acronym PLC stands for:
- (A) Pressure Load Control
- (B) Programmable Logic Controller
- (C) Pneumatic Logic Capstan
- (D) PID Loop Controller
28 Ladder logic programming consists primarily of:
- (A) Virtual relay contacts and coils
- (B) Logic gate symbols with connecting lines
- (C) Function blocks with connecting lines
- (D) Text-based code
29 The Boolean representation of this PLC program is:

- (A) AB’C + D’
- (B) C + (A + B’) D’
- (C) C + D'(A + B’)
- (D) C (AB’ + D’)
30 The difference between online and offline PLC programming is . . .
- (A) whether the PLC is running or stopped
- (B) whether the programming PC has internet connectivity
- (C) the type of programming cable used
- (D) where the edited program resides
31 What is the largest integer number that a PLC counter function can reach if it uses a 16-bit register?
- (A) 32,768
- (B) 65,535
- (C) 32,767
- (D) 65,537
32 An OR function implemented in ladder logic uses:
- (A) Normally-closed contacts in series
- (B) Normally-open contacts in series
- (C) Normally-open contacts in parallel
- (D) Normally-closed contacts in parallel
33 An AND function implemented in ladder logic uses:
- (A) Normally-closed contacts in series
- (B) Normally-open contacts in series
- (C) Normally-open contacts in parallel
- (D) Normally-closed contacts in parallel
34 An NOT function implemented in ladder logic uses:
- (A) Normally-closed contacts in series
- (B) Normally-open contacts in series
- (C) A single normally-open contact
- (D) A single normally-closed contact
35 A NAND function implemented in ladder logic uses:
- (A) Normally-closed contacts in series
- (B) Normally-open contacts in series
- (C) Normally-closed contacts in Parallel
- (D) Normally-open contacts in Parallel
36 An NOR function implemented in ladder logic uses:
- (A) Normally-closed contacts in series
- (B) Normally-open contacts in series
- (C) Normally-closed contacts in Parallel
- (D) Normally-open contacts in Parallel
37 The most popular language for PLCs is:
- (A) Ladder diagram
- (B) C++
- (C) OOP+
- (D) VHDL
38 In PLC, generally relays and valves are connected to:
- (A) Input modules
- (B) Output modules
- (C) both of these
- (D) None of the above
39 Normally open contacts are open when:
- (A) When Input is not energized
- (B) When the input is energized
- (C) When input is higher than 20 volts
- (D) None of these
40 PLCs that have a fixed amount of I/O capability built into the unit are known as:
- (A) Rack PLCs
- (B) Modular PLCs
- (C) Fixed or Packed PLCs
- (D) None of these
41 How is the speed of operation of digital controllers to conventional relay system as compared?
- (A) Very slow
- (B) Very fast
- (C) Same
- (D) Almost similar
42 __________ of PLCs can be done in very little time.
- (A) Programming
- (B) Installation
- (C) Commissioning
- (D) All of the above
43 The PLC is used in _______.
- (A) Machine tools
- (B) Automated assembly equipment
- (C) Moulding and extrusion machines
- (D) All of the above
44 Which of the following cannot be an input that is given to the PLC?
- (A) Manual switches
- (B) Relays
- (C) Sensors
- (D) None of the above
45 PLC can be ___________ in plant to change the sequence of operation.
- (A) Only programmed
- (B) Only reprogrammed
- (C) Programmed and reprogrammed
- (D) Able to give a set point
46 The capability of the PLCs for complex operations is ___________ that of convention relay systems
- (A) Poor than
- (B) Excellent than
- (C) As good as
- (D) Unpredictable as
47 When ___________ contacts are actuated, they disrupt the power supply through them.
- (A) Normally open type
- (B) Normally closed type
- (C) Both a and b
- (D) None of the above
48 The type of memory which is fast and temporarily stores the data which are immediately required for use is called as______.
- (A) HDD
- (B) ROM
- (C) RAM
- (D) SSD
49 Which one of the following is not a PLC manufacturer?
- (A) Siemens
- (B) Mitsubishi
- (C) Microsoft
- (D) ABB
50 When a relay is NOT energized:
- (A) There is an electrical path through the NO contacts
- (B) There is an electrical path through the NC contacts
- (C) Neither the NO or the NC contacts have an electrical path
- (D) Both the NO and the NC contacts have an electrical path