Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1 The following Boolean function equivalent to. F (A, B, C, D) = π (1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15)- (A) a) BD’+ACD’
- (B) b) BD’+ACD’+ABC’D
- (C) c) (B+D’) (A+C+D’)
- (D) d) (A+D’) (B’+D’)
2 The binary number 100111 is equivalent to decimal number ………….
- (A) 39
- (B) 37
- (C) 35
- (D) 21
3 The universal gate is ………………
- (A) Ex NOR gate
- (B) OR gate
- (C) AND gate
- (D) NOR gate
4 The inverter is following Logic Gate
- (A) NAND gate
- (B) OR gate
- (C) AND gate
- (D) NOT gate
5 2’s complement of binary number 0001 is ……….
- (A) 1011
- (B) 1111
- (C) 1101
- (D) 1110
6 Decimal number 1010 is equal to octal number ……………
- (A) 1762
- (B) 1010
- (C) 1011
- (D) 1760
7 In 1’s complement representation the number 11100101 represents the decimal number
- (A) 37
- (B) -31
- (C) 27
- (D) -26
8 For the gate in the given figure the output will be ……….

- (A) 0
- (B) 1
- (C) A
- (D) Ā
9 The number of digits in Duodecimal system is ………
- (A) 16
- (B) 15
- (C) 10
- (D) 12
10 Decimal 59 in hexadecimal and BCD number system is respectively……. and …….
- (A) B3 and 01011001
- (B) 3B and 01010001
- (C) 3B and 01011001
- (D) B3 and 01000100
11 Decimal number 1010 is equal to gray code ……………
- (A) 1010
- (B) 1110
- (C) 1111
- (D) 1011
12 The NAND gate is AND gate followed by …………………
- (A) NOT gate
- (B) OR gate
- (C) AND gate
- (D) None of the above
13 Digital circuit can be made by the repeated use of ………………
- (A) OR gates
- (B) NOT gates
- (C) NAND gates
- (D) None of the above
14 An OR gate has 7 inputs. Two inputs are high and the others are low. The output is …….
- (A) Low
- (B) High
- (C) alternately high and low
- (D) may be high or low depending on relative magnitude of inputs
15 Logical Expression for Ex NOR gate is
- (A) AB+A’B’
- (B) AB+A’B
- (C) A’B+AB’
- (D) AB’+AB’
16 The full form of CMOS is ____________
- (A) Capacitive metal oxide semiconductor
- (B) Capacitive metallic oxide semiconductor
- (C) Complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- (D) Complemented metal oxide semiconductor
17 Which of the following logic expressions represents the logic diagram shown?

- (A) X=AB’+A’B
- (B) X=(AB)’+AB
- (C) X=(AB)’+A’B’
- (D) X=A’B’+AB
18 Total number of inputs in a Full adder is __________
- (A) 2
- (B) 3
- (C) 4
- (D) 1
19 The full subtractor can be implemented using ___________
- (A) Two XOR and an OR gates
- (B) Two half subtractors and an OR gate
- (C) Two multiplexers and an AND gate
- (D) Two comparators and an AND gate
20 Which statement below best describes a Karnaugh map?
- (A) It is simply a rearranged truth table
- (B) The Karnaugh map eliminates the need for using NAND and NOR gates
- (C) Variable complements can be eliminated by using Karnaugh maps
- (D) A Karnaugh map can be used to replace Boolean rules
21 Which of the following expressions is in the sum-of-products form?
- (A) (A + B) (C + D)
- (B) (A * B) (C * D)
- (C) A* B *(CD)
- (D) A * B + C * D
22 A code converter is a logic circuit that _____________
- (A) Inverts the given input
- (B) Converts into decimal number
- (C) Converts data of one type into another type
- (D) Converts to octal
23 The logical equation of code of digital lock is A’BCD’…. then following two input (maximum) basic gates are required to implement above code
- (A) two OR gate and one NOT gate
- (B) two AND gate and two NOT gates
- (C) three AND gate and two NOT gates
- (D) four AND gate and two NOT gates
24 Which of the following is TRUE about K Map?
- (A) only SOP functions can be obtained
- (B) only POS functions can be obtained
- (C) only minterm functions can be obtained
- (D) None of the Above
25 Which of the following is not a basic Boolean Law?
- (A) Associative Law
- (B) Distributive Law
- (C) Canonical Law
- (D) Commutative Law
26 Two stable states of latches are ___________
- (A) Astable & Monostable
- (B) Low input & high output
- (C) High output & low output
- (D) Low output & high input
27 The SR latch consists of ___________
- (A) 1 input
- (B) 2 inputs
- (C) 3 inputs
- (D) 4 inputs
28 When a high is applied to the Set line of an SR latch, then ___________
- (A) Q output goes high
- (B) Q’ output goes high
- (C) Q output goes low
- (D) Both Q and Q’ go high
29 If A = A1A0 and B = B1B0 are two-bit input binary numbers, output C=C3C2C1C0 implements

- (A) a two-bit-by-two-bit division
- (B) a two-bit-by-two-bit multiplier
- (C) a two-bit adder
- (D) a two-bit subtractor
30 The flip-flop is only activated by _____________
- (A) Positive edge trigger
- (B) Negative edge trigger
- (C) Either positive or Negative edge trigger
- (D) Sinusoidal trigger
31 What does the direct line on the clock input of a J-K flip-flop mean?
- (A) Level enabled
- (B) Positive edge triggered
- (C) negative edge triggered
- (D) Level triggered
32 Modulus in in digital electronics refers to ____________
- (A) A method used to fabricate decade counter units
- (B) The modulus of elasticity, or the ability of a circuit to be stretched from one mode to another
- (C) An input on a counter that is used to set the counter state, such as UP/DOWN
- (D) The maximum number of states in a counter sequence
33 The minimum number of flip-flops that can be used to construct a modulus-5 counter is ____________
- (A) 3
- (B) 8
- (C) 5
- (D) 10
34 The register (in Digital Electronics) is a type of ___________
- (A) Sequential circuit
- (B) Combinational circuit
- (C) CPU
- (D) Latches
35 A shift register is defined as ___________
- (A) The register capable of shifting information to another register
- (B) The register capable of shifting information either to the right or to the left
- (C) The register capable of shifting information to the right only
- (D) The register capable of shifting information to the left only
36 Find out the resolution of 8-bit DAC/ADC?
- (A) 562
- (B) 625
- (C) 256
- (D) 265
37 A flip-flop can be designed using
- (A) NAND gates
- (B) NOR gates
- (C) basic gates such as AND, OR and NOT
- (D) any of the above
38 The following circuit implements

- (A) D flip-flop with enable input T
- (B) J-K flip-flop
- (C) T flip-flop
- (D) D latch
39 The output Qn of a J-K (or S-R) flip-flop is 0. Its output does not change when a clock pulse is applied. The inputs Jn and Kn (or Sn and Rn) are respectively.
- (A) X and 0
- (B) 0 and 0
- (C) 0 and X
- (D) 1 and 1
40 The J-K flip-flop shown below is initially cleared and then clocked for 5 pulses, the sequence at the Q output will be

- (A) 0 1 0 0 0 0
- (B) 0 1 1 0 0 1
- (C) 0 1 0 0 1 0
- (D) 0 1 0 1 0 1
41 Identify the circuit shown in the figure.

- (A) Positive edge triggered D Flip Flop where X is input, Y is clock, Q is output
- (B) Negative edge triggered D Flip Flop where X is input, Y is clock, Q is output
- (C) Positive edge triggered D Flip Flop where Y is input, X is clock, Q is output
- (D) Negative edge triggered D Flip Flop where Y is input, X is clock, Q is output
42 Consider the 1:4 demultiplexer circuit shown below. What would be the output bits for input condition S0 = 1, S1 = 1 and Din = 1?

- (A) Y0 = 0, Y1 = 1, Y2= 1, Y3 = 1
- (B) Y0 = 0, Y1 = 0, Y2= 0, Y3 = 1
- (C) Y0 = 0, Y1 = 0, Y2= 1, Y3 = 0
- (D) Y0 = 0, Y1 = 0, Y2= 1, Y3 = 1
43 An SR-latch is created using only two NOR gates with S and R inputs feeding one NOR gate each. If both S and R inputs are set to one, the outputs will be
- (A) Q and Q’ both 1
- (B) No change in circuit output
- (C) Q and Q’ both 0
- (D) Q and Q’ complementary to each other
44 A positive edge triggered D flip flop is connected as shown in the figure below. What would be the Q output in relation to the clock? Assume Q is initially 0.

- (A) Timing Diagram A
- (B) Timing Diagram B
- (C) Timing Diagram C
- (D) Timing Diagram D
45 How many flip-flops will be complemented in a 10‐bit binary ripple up counter to reach the next count after the count 1001100111. (Assume all flip-flops are positively triggered)
- (A) 3
- (B) 2
- (C) 4
- (D) 1
46 A binary ripple counter uses flip‐flops that trigger on the positive‐edge of the clock. What will be the count if the normal outputs of the flip‐flops are connected to the clock input of the next stage.
- (A) A count up counter
- (B) A count down counter
- (C) A BCD counter
- (D) A Gray code sequence generator
47 A 4-bit shift register circuit configured for right-shift operation (Din->A, A->B, B->C, C->D), is shown. If the present state of the shift register is ABCD = 1101, the number of clock cycles required to reach the state ABCD = 0100 is

- (A) 3
- (B) 7
- (C) 4
- (D) 5
48 The race around condition occurs in a J-K flip-flop when
- (A) both inputs are 0
- (B) both inputs are 1
- (C) the inputs are complementary
- (D) J=0 and K = 1
49 In general, a sequential logic circuits consists of
- (A) only flip-flops
- (B) flip-flops and combinational logic circuits
- (C) only basic gates
- (D) only combinational logic circuits
50 What would be the number of flip flops required to design mod-10 ring counter and mod-10 Johnson counter respectively?
- (A) 10 and 5
- (B) 10 and 10
- (C) 5 and 5
- (D) 5 and 10