Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1 Which is a join condition contains an equality operator?- (A) Equijoins
- (B) Cartesian
- (C) Both
- (D) None
2 Which command defines its columns, integrity constraint in create table?
- (A) Create command
- (B) Drop table command
- (C) Alter table command
- (D) All of these
3 It refers to set of one or more columns that designates the ______ key in a referential integrity constraint:
- (A) Select key
- (B) Foreign key
- (C) Write key
- (D) None of these
4 Which constraint that requires that the column contain a value when it is initially inserted into the table:
- (D) None
5 Which constraint that identifies a column or combination of columns as a unique key:
- (D) None
6 Which command is use for removing a table and all its data from the database?
- (A) Create command
- (B) Drop table command
- (C) Alter table command
- (D) All of these
7 Which command that allows the removal of all rows from a table but flushes a table more efficiently since no rollback information is retained?
- (A) TRUNCATE command
- (B) Create command
- (C) Drop table command
- (D) Alter table command
8 Which join refers to join records from the write table that have no matching key in the left table are include in the result set:
- (A) Left outer join
- (B) Right outer join
- (C) Full outer join
- (D) Half outer join
9 How many set operations support the oracle SQL?
- (A) 2
- (B) 3
- (C) 4
- (D) 5
10 ______ operator merges the result sets of two component queries:
11 How many component queries are combined using the set operators?
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
12 In precedence of set operators the expression is evaluated from______:
- (A) Left to Left
- (B) Right to Right
- (C) Left to Right
- (D) Right to Left
13 View in SQL a view may be defined as a
- (A) Stored query
- (B) Virtual table
- (C) Both
- (D) None
14 How many types of views in SQL:
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
15 Which are the types of views in SQL?
- (A) Inline view
- (B) Database view
- (C) Materialized view
- (D) All of these
16 Which operation is allowed in a join view?
- (D) All of these
17 The materialized view was introduced by:
- (A) Oracle 6
- (B) Oracle 7
- (C) Oracle 8
- (D) Oracle 9
18 We can delete from join view provided there is__________ key preserved table in the join:
- (A) One and Only One
- (B) One and Two
- (C) Two and One
- (D) None of these
19 Which view that contains more than one table in the top-level FROM clause of the SELECT statement:
- (A) Join view
- (B) Datable join view
- (C) Updatable join view
- (D) All of these
20 Which option is used to create a view as a constrained view and prohibit specific insert and update operations with the view:
21 Which command is used to add the views to the database?
- (D) None of these
22 Which option is used with the WHERE clause:
23 Which option may be used to create the inline view as a constrained view?
24 In which year ORACLE, an SQL product was released:
- (A) 1976
- (B) 1977
- (C) 1978
- (D) 1979
25 The prototype for SQL was originally developed by:
- (C) IBM
- (D) All of these
26 In which year relational algebra became prominent after the relational model of database was published:
- (A) 1969
- (B) 1970
- (C) 1971
- (D) 1972
27 Relational algebra became prominent after the relational model of database was published by:
- (A) Codds
- (B) F.F. Codd
- (C) E.E. Codd
- (D) None of these
28 Which is an ANSI standard and has many different versions?
- (A) IBM
- (B) SQL
29 Which is used for interfacing with RDBMS?
- (A) IBM
- (B) SQL
- (C) ANSI
30 Which is the basis for SQL and also for all other contemporary database system like MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, My SQL and MICROSOFT Access?
- (A) DDL
- (B) SDL
- (D) None of these
31 FD stands for:
- (A) Functional dependency
- (B) Facilitate dependency
- (C) Functional data
- (D) Facilitate data
32 In which model of database data is stored in tables:
- (A) Network model
- (B) Relational model
- (C) Hierarchical model
- (D) None of these
33 The relational database model and after that by a researcher at _______:
- (A) IBM
- (B) Apple
- (C) Intel
- (D) All of these
34 The database containing tables related to each other that help in the smooth processing of data is called ______:
- (A) Service database
- (B) Relation database
- (C) Related database
- (D) None of these
35 A table can be defined as a set of______:
- (A) Rows
- (B) Columns
- (C) Both
- (D) None
36 Which is very essential as no single set has a specific sot order for its elements?
- (A) Rows
- (B) Columns
- (C) Tables
- (D) All of these
37 How many types of keys in relation database design?
- (A) Primary key
- (B) Candidate key
- (C) Foreign key
- (D) All of these
38 Which keys are used that are a column in the table?
- (A) Primary key
- (B) Candidate key
- (C) Foreign key
- (D) All of these
39 Which key is referencing a primary key in a table?
- (A) Primary key
- (B) Candidate key
- (C) Foreign key
- (D) All of these
40 Which key is used to find the customer from the table?
- (A) Primary key
- (B) Candidate key
- (C) Foreign key
- (D) All of these
41 Which key have a common meaning:
- (A) Foreign key
- (B) Primary key
- (C) Both
- (D) None
42 A domain is a collection of values from where the columns are_____:
- (A) Deleted
- (B) Created
- (C) Maintained
- (D) All of these
43 Which access provides a partial support to domains?
- (A) Microsoft
- (B) Microprocessor
- (C) Microcomputer
- (D) Memory
44 Which database relationship is considered only between pairs of tables?
- (A) Service database
- (B) Relational database
- (C) Related database
- (D) None of these
45 In relationships how many different ways in which two tables may be related?
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
46 In which ways two tables may be related:
- (A) One-one
- (B) One-many
- (C) Many-many
- (D) All of these
47 Which rules are defined in relational models which from an essential part of any relation database:
- (A) Integrity rules
- (B) Database
- (C) Record
- (D) Memory
48 How many types of integrity rules:
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
49 Which are the types of integrity rule?
- (A) General
- (B) Database specific
- (C) Both
- (D) None
50 How many general rules in a relational model, and being general rules, these are applicable to all databases:
- (A) 2
- (B) 3
- (C) 4
- (D) 5
51 Which rules are known as ’entity integrity’ and ‘referential integrity’:
- (A) General
- (B) Database specific
- (C) Both
- (D) None
52 ______states that primary keys should not be null:
- (A) Entity integrity
- (B) Referential integrity
- (C) Both
- (D) None
53 Integrity constraints that do not fall under the preceding two integrity rules are referred to as______:
- (A) Entity integrity rule
- (B) Referential integrity rule
- (C) General integrity rule
- (D) Database specific integrity rule
54 Which has support for specification of global rule applicable to the whole table?
- (A) Microsoft access1.0
- (B) Microsoft access1.5
- (C) Microsoft access2.0
- (D) Microsoft access2.5
55 In creating a table a row contains:
- (A) Memory
- (B) Record
- (C) Field
- (D) None
56 In creating a table a column contains:
- (A) Memory
- (B) Record
- (C) Field
- (D) None
57 Which have not have client/server architecture:
- (A) DBS
- (B) DBMS
- (D) All of these
58 Which command creates database objects like tables views and indexes?
- (A) Create command
- (B) Update command
- (C) Both
- (D) None
59 Which command enables alteration the data stored in existing records?
- (A) Create command
- (B) Update command
- (C) Deletion command
- (D) All of these
60 Which query joins many dimensions of tables to a fact table which contains large amount of rows and uses aggregate?
- (A) IBM
- (B) SQL
- (C) ANSI
61 Which valued facts formalize the concept of functional dependency?
- (A) Single-valued
- (B) Double-valued
- (C) Both
- (D) None
62 Which relationship model provides a starting point for identifying schemas and integrity constraints?
- (A) Entity
- (B) Referential
- (C) Both
- (D) None
63 FD stands for:
- (A) Formal dependency
- (B) Functional dependency
- (C) Fact dependency
- (D) Superset dependency
64 Which is derived from mathematical theory?
- (A) IBM
- (B) SQL
- (C) ANSI
- (D) FD
65 Which are dependent on the information of what can be stored in the relation and serve as integrity constraints?
- (A) IBM
- (B) SQL
- (C) ANSI
- (D) FD
66 A relation state r of R that satisfies the functional dependency constraints is called_____ of R:
- (A) Legal relation state
- (B) Illegal relation state
- (C) FD
- (D) All of these
67 How many various types of dependencies:
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
68 Which are the dependencies types?
- (A) Full functional dependency
- (B) Partial dependency
- (C) Trivial functional dependency
- (D) All of these
69 FDs are the types of constraints that are based on______:
- (A) Key
- (B) Key revisited
- (C) Superset key
- (D) None of these
70 What is a super key?
- (A) Key
- (B) Key revisited
- (C) Superset key
- (D) None of these
71 Which s essential a business problem not a data problem:
- (A) Data
- (B) Database
- (C) Database design
- (D) All of these
72 Which is primarily the result of a thorough understanding of information about an enterprise?
- (A) Data
- (B) Database
- (C) Database design
- (D) Data modeling
73 McFadden has defined normalization in his which book___________:
- (A) Database modern management
- (B) Management database of modern
- (C) Modern database management
- (D) Database management
74 The database design prevents some data from being represented due to _______:
- (A) Deletion anomalies
- (B) Insertion anomalies
- (C) Update anomaly
- (D) None of these
75 How many types of insertion anomalies:
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
76 Who developed the normalization process?
- (A) E.F. Codd
- (B) F.F. Codd
- (C) E.E. Codd
- (D) None of these
77 E.F. Codd developed the normalization process in the early:
- (A) 1969
- (B) 1970
- (C) 1971
- (D) 1972
78 Which is a bottom-up approach to database design that design by examining the relationship between attributes?
- (A) Functional dependency
- (B) Database modeling
- (C) Normalization
- (D) Decomposition
79 Which is the process of breaking a relation into multiple relations?
- (A) Functional dependency
- (B) Database modeling
- (C) Normalization
- (D) Decomposition
80 Which formal method that locates and analyses relation schemas on the basis of their primary, candidate keys, and the FD’s that are present among the attributes of these schemas:
- (A) Functional dependency
- (B) Database modeling
- (C) Normalization
- (D) Decomposition
81 In decomposition technique of splitting a relation into_____ relation:
- (A) ONE or MORE
- (B) TWO or MORE
- (C) C .THREE or MORE
- (D) FOUR or MORE
82 Codd suggested how many forms in normalization process:
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
83 Consequently R.Boyce-Codd jointly launched powerful definition for the third normal form called______:
- (A) Boyce-Codd normal form
- (B) First normal form
- (C) Second normal form
- (D) All of these
84 BCNF stands for:
- (A) Basic -Codd normal form
- (B) Build -Codd normal form
- (C) Boyce-Codd normal form
- (D) None of these
85 Which forms simplify and ensure that there are minimal data aggregates and repetitive groups:
- (A) 1NF
- (B) 2NF
- (C) 3NF
- (D) All of these
86 Which forms every non-prime attribute is fully dependent functionally on the candidate key of a relational schema:
- (A) 1NF
- (B) 2NF
- (C) 3NF
- (D) 5NF
87 Which forms is required when although NF is present more normalization is required:
- (A) 1NF
- (B) 2NF
- (C) 3NF
- (D) 4NF
88 Which forms has a relation that possesses data about an individual entity:
- (A) 2NF
- (B) 3NF
- (C) 4NF
- (D) 5NF
89 PJNF stands form:
- (A) Practically –join normal form
- (B) Project –join normal form
- (C) Pages –join normal form
- (D) Programming –join normal form
90 Which forms are based on the concept of functional dependency?
- (A) 1NF
- (B) 2NF
- (C) 3NF
- (D) 4NF
91 Which one is based on multi-valued dependency?
- (A) First
- (B) Second
- (C) Third
- (D) Fourth
92 Which is the various key?
- (A) Super key
- (B) Primary key
- (C) Secondary key
- (D) Alternate key
- (E) Candidate key
- (F) Foreign key
- (G) Concatenated key
- (H) All of these
- (I) None of these
93 Which are the join types in join condition?
- (A) Cross join
- (B) Natural join
- (C) Join with USING clause
- (D) Outer join
- (E) Join with ON clause
- (F) All of these
94 In which are interface provided by oracle:
- (B) SQL*PLUS command line interface
- (C) SQL Plus Worksheet (introduced in ORACLE8i)
- (D) SQL *PLUS(introduced in ORACLE9i)
- (E) All of these
- (F) None of these
95 Which are the primitive operators of relation algebra as proposed by Codd?
- (A) Selection
- (B) Projection
- (C) Cartesian product
- (D) Set union
- (E) Set difference
- (F) Rename
- (G) All of these
- (H) None of these
96 Which is the advantage of database?
- (A) Prevents Data redundancy
- (B) Restricts unauthorized access
- (C) Persistent storage
- (D) Backup and recovery
- (E) Integrity Constraints
- (F) All of these
97 Which interface is provided by oracle?
- (B) SQL*PLUS command line interface
- (C) SQLPlus Worksheet
- (E) All of these
98 Which the types of changeover methods:
- (A) Direct
- (B) Parallel
- (C) Pilot
- (D) Staged or phased
- (E) All of these
99 Primary steps for converting a logical data model to preliminary physical data model are:
- (A) Converting entities into file
- (B) Converting relationship for accessing paths using keys
- (C) Adding
- (D) De-normalization
- (E) Tuning
- (F) Converting
- (G) Reduction of chain length
- (H) All of these
- (I) None of these
100 Which are the set operations supports the oracle SQL:
- (E) All of these