Branch Code: EE
- Semester 01
- English (ENG)
- Basic Science (BSC)
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Basic Mathematics (BMS)
- Fundamentals of ICT (ICT)
- Engineering Graphics (EGM)
- Workshop Practice (WPM)
- Semester 02
- Applied Mathematics (AME)
- Applied Science (ASE)
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (FEE)
- Elements of Electronics (EOE)
- Basic Mechanical Engineering (BME)
- Business Communication Using Computers (BCC)
- Semester 03
- Electrical Circuits (ECI)
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements (EEM)
- Fundamentals of Power Electronics (FPE)
- Electrical Power Generation (EPG)
- Electrical Material and Wiring Practice (EMW)
- Semester 04
- Electrical Motors and Transformers (CNE)
- Electrical power Transmission and distribution (EPT)
- Industrial Measurement (IME)
- Digital Electronics and Microcontroller Application (DEM)
- Environmental Studies (EST)
- Electrical Drawing and CAD (EDC)
- Semester 05
- Management (MAN)
- Industrial AC Machines (IAM)
- Switchgear and Protection (SAP)
- Energy Conservation and Audit (ECA)
- Elective-I (Any One)
- Elements of Industrial Automation (EIA)
- Power Electronics Applications (PEA)
- Wind Power Technologies (WPT)
- Power System Analysis (PSA)
- Illumination and Electrification of Buildings (IEB)
- Entrepreneurship Development (EDE)
- Industrial Training (ITR)
- Capstone Project Planning (CPP)
- Semester 06
- Maintenance of Electric Equipment (MEE)
- Utilization of Electrical Energy (UEE)
- Electrical Estimation and Contracting (EEC)
- Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering (ETE)
- Elective-II (Any One)
- Industrial Drives and Control (IDC)
- Power system operation and control (PSO)
- Electrical Substation Practices (ESP)
- Capstone Project- Execution and Report writing (CPE)
Faculty Details
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | Experience (Years) |
1 | Shri. A. S. Zope | I/C H.O.D., Lecturer | B.E., M.Tech(Edu) | 29 & 6 in Industry |
2 | Shri. S. V. Kothawade | Lecturer | B.E. | 31 |
3 | Smt. S. R. Saraf | Lecturer | B.E. | 16 |
4 | Shri. J. K. Pandit | Lecturer | M.Tech | 4 2 in Industry |
5 | Shri. C. P. Salunkhe | Lecturer | B.E. | 6 1.5 in Industry |
6 | Shri. N. O. Jadhav | Lecturer | B.E. | 4 2 in Industry |
7 | Shri. N. S. Varade | Lecturer | B.E. | 4.5 |