Multiple Choice Questions
1 Size of internal RAM in 89C51 microcontroller is ____- (A) 128 kbytes
- (B) 128 bytes
- (C) 4K bytes
- (D) 4 bytes
2 Which is not 89C51 microcontroller feature?
- (A) 8 bit data bus
- (B) 16 bit address bus
- (C) 4K bytes ROM
- (D) 4K bytes RAM
3 An Embedded system is a combination of _________
- (A) hardware and software
- (B) software
- (C) hardware or software
- (D) hardware
4 Types of memory used in embedded systems are _______
- (A) Flash
- (B) RAM
- (C) External RAM
- (D) All of above
5 Which of the following is not block of an embedded system ?
- (A) Timer
- (B) Processor
- (C) Memory
- (D) None of above
6 Application areas of embedded Systems are _________
- (A) Consumer electronics
- (B) Automotive industry
- (C) Healthcare
- (D) All of above
7 Which of the following is not advantage of embedded System?
- (A) less complicated design
- (B) efficiently perform their function
- (C) involve the redundant programming
- (D) none of above
8 Which of the following is not disadvantage of embedded System?
- (A) easy to change configuration
- (B) scalability problem
- (C) limitation of hardware
- (D) none of above
9 Program and data memories are separate in ______
- (A) Harvard architecture
- (B) Von –Neumann architecture
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
10 Instructions and data cannot be fetched simultaneously in ____
- (A) Harvard architecture
- (B) Von –Neumann architecture
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
11 RISC stands for ______
- (A) Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- (B) Redundant Instruction Set Computer
- (C) Readable Instruction Set Computer
- (D) None of above
12 PIC stands for ______
- (A) Peripheral interrupt controller
- (B) Peripheral interface controller
- (C) Peripheral internal controller
- (D) None of above
13 Which of the following is the design metrics of embedded systems?
- (A) Power consumption
- (B) Expected life-time
- (C) Time to prototype
- (D) All of above
14 Based on performance of microcontroller embedded systems are classified as ____
- (A) Small Scale
- (B) Medium Scale
- (C) Sophisticated
- (D) All of above
15 Missing of deadline will lead to a great damage in ____ embedded systems.
- (A) Hard Real Time
- (B) Soft Real Time
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
16 Which of the following is not C data type?
- (A) char
- (B) int
- (C) sbit
- (D) None of Above
17 What is the size of C data type sbit ?
- (A) 1 bit
- (B) 8 bit
- (C) 16 bit
- (D) None of Above
18 What is the size of C data type sfr ?
- (A) 1 bit
- (B) 8 bit
- (C) 16 bit
- (D) None of Above
19 Bitwise left shift operator is represented using symbol____
- (A) >>
- (B) <<
- (C) &
- (D) None of Above
20 Which of the following is the example of Hex (Hexadecimal) data in C Programming?
- (A) 0 x 55
- (B) 55
- (C) 55 H
- (D) None of Above
21 Hex file size is more in Embedded C programming. Statement is ____
- (A) True
- (C) Cannot say
- (D) None of above
22 Debugging is easy in Embedded C programming. Statement is ____
- (A) True
- (C) Cannot say
- (D) None of above
23 Which statement/s are used in embedded C programming for continuous looping operation?
- (A) for ( ; ; )
- (B) while (1)
- (C) both of above
- (D) none of above
24 unsigned char is embedded C data type which usually takes the range from _________
- (A) 0 to 255
- (B) -128 to +127
- (C) 0 to 65535
- (D) None of above
25 For incrementing the Port P1 value _____statement is used.
- (A) P1–
- (B) P1++
- (C) P1**
- (D) None of above
26 MAX 232 ________
- (A) Convert RS232 voltage levels to TTL voltage levels
- (B) Convert TTL voltage levels to RS232 voltage levels
- (C) Act as line driver
- (D) All of above
27 External hardware interrupt 0 (INT 0) has the interrupt vector ROM location as _____
- (A) 00H
- (B) 0BH
- (C) 13H
- (D) None of above
28 RI and TI interrupt has the interrupt vector ROM location as _____
- (A) 00H
- (B) 1BH
- (C) 23H
- (D) None of above
29 Both stations can transmit and receive simultaneously in __________
- (A) Half duplex mode
- (B) Full duplex mode
- (C) Simplex mode
- (D) None of above
30 Start and stop bits are present in _____________
- (A) Synchronous communication
- (B) Asynchronous communication
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
31 MAX 232 can communicate maximum ________
- (A) One device
- (B) Two devices
- (C) Three devices
- (D) Four devices
32 Size of internal RAM in 89C51 microcontroller is ____
- (A) 128 kbytes
- (B) 128 bytes
- (C) 4K bytes
- (D) 4 bytes
33 Parallel communication is used for __________
- (A) short distance communication
- (B) long distance communication
- (C) both of above
- (D) none of above
34 In RS 232, 1 bit (logic 1 ) is represented by _______
- (A) -3 to -25 V
- (B) +3 to +25 V
- (C) can’t say
- (D) none of above
35 In MAX 232, maximum _____ devices can communicate simultaneosly.
- (A) two
- (B) three
- (C) four
- (D) none of above
36 LEDs can be interfaced to 8051 by which of following methods/fashion?
- (A) Common anode
- (B) Common cathode
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
37 SDA and SCA lines are available in ______communication protocol.
- (A) USB
- (B) I2C
- (C) CAN
- (D) None of above
38 In half step sequence of rotation of stepper motor, number of steps sequence lengh is _____.
- (A) 2
- (B) 4
- (C) 6
- (D) 8
39 Applications for CAN bus is/are __________
- (A) Power windows,doors adjustment in cars
- (B) Electric power steering
- (C) Engine control units
- (D) All of above
40 How many pins/wires are available in USB cable?
- (A) four pins
- (B) two pins
- (C) three pins
- (D) None of above
41 Number of steps required to complete one revolution (360 degree) in Stepper motor are calculated as?
- (A) 360 degree / step angle
- (B) 360 degree x step angle
- (C) step angle / 360 degree
- (D) None of above
42 Blutooth operates at _____ frequncy.
- (A) 2.2 GHz
- (B) 2.4 GHz
- (C) 2.0 GHz
- (D) None of above
43 Zigbee based on IEEE ________ standard.
- (A) IEEE 802.15.1
- (B) IEEE 802.15.4
- (C) IEEE 802.15.2
- (D) None of above
44 IrDA stands for ________
- (A) Infrared Data Association
- (B) Internet Data Association
- (C) Intranet Data Association
- (D) None of above
45 Task has deadline in _______ operating system.
- (A) General
- (B) RTOS
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
46 Time response is not deterministic in _______ operating system.
- (A) General
- (B) RTOS
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
47 RTOS feature scalability means able to ______ as per application.
- (A) scale up
- (B) scale down
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
48 RTOS feature _______ means available all time and normally does not fail to perform any function or operation.
- (A) Predictability
- (B) Reliable
- (C) Compactness
- (D) None of above
49 States of task include _______
- (A) Ready to Run
- (B) Waiting
- (C) Running
- (D) All of above
50 Resource allocation method include ____
- (A) Resource partitioning approach
- (B) Pool based approach
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
51 Inter process communication method consist of ______
- (A) Pipes
- (B) Shared memory
- (C) Semaphores
- (D) All of above
52 Watchdog timer is used to ___________
- (A) detect a fault on embedded device
- (B) reset the processor to take corrective action
- (C) both of above
- (D) None of above
53 Semaphore is used for ______
- (A) Resource synchronization
- (B) Task synchronization
- (C) Both of above
- (D) None of above
54 Reason for occurrence for deadlock are_______
- (A) Hold and wait
- (B) Mutual exclusion
- (C) Circular Wait
- (D) All of above