Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1 What are the functions of process engineering?- (A) To determine the basic manufacturing process
- (B) To determine the sequence of operations
- (C) To determine the tooling and equipments required
- (D) All of these
2 What is the information required for process engineering?
- (A) Engineering drawing of the component
- (B) Knowledge of manufacturing process
- (C) Knowledge of various tooling and fixtures
- (D) All of these
3 How is the actual idea represented after the product is finalized?
- (A) By part drawing
- (B) By blue prints
- (C) By part prints
- (D) Any of these
4 Which one is not the important information in the part printing?
- (A) General description of the part
- (B) General configuration of the part
- (C) Price information
- (D) Design modification
5 In part prints, the information of the material from which the part is made is not mentioned.
- (B) TRUE
6 _____ tells about the natural tolerance of the machine.
- (A) Prints
- (B) Process capability
- (C) Surface finish
- (D) All of these
7 What is the information required to determine operation sequence?
- (A) List of machines available
- (B) List of tooling
- (C) Machine load chart
- (D) All of these
8 ______ begins when the product designing is complete
- (A) Process planning
- (B) Production system
- (C) Printing process
- (D) None of these
9 Example of basic process is(are)
- (A) Forging
- (B) Casting
- (C) Both A and B
- (D) None of these
10 In which process we do operation like extruding, rolling, drawing, machining etc?
- (A) Basic processes
- (B) Principal processes
- (C) Intermediate processes
- (D) None of these
11 Which operation is necessary to ensure continuity and completion of the major operation?
- (A) Basic operation
- (B) Auxiliary operation
- (C) Supporting operations
- (D) One of these
12 Operation sheet is made in chart form.
- (A) True
13 The purpose of supply chain management is to_______.
- (A) increase the production level
- (B) manage and integrate supply and demand management
- (C) enhance the quality of a product and services
- (D) provide satisfaction to the customer
14 ________is mainly deals with all activities associated with the flow and transformation and information of goods from the stage of raw material to the end user i.e. consumption.
- (A) Marketing Channel
- (B) Production Line
- (C) Supply Chain
- (D) Inventory management
15 The concept of supply chain management originated in ________________ discipline.
- (A) Production Management
- (B) Logistics Management
- (C) Marketing
- (D) Operations Management
16 Supply chain management is the management of the ____________.
- (A) Storage Raw Materials
- (B) Flow of goods and services
- (C) Fulfillment of order
- (D) Satisfaction of customer
17 A supply chain is a sequence of firms that perform activities required to ______
- (A) to facilitate wholesalers inventory selections
- (B) to create synergy in their training programs
- (C) to find products that are similar
- (D) to create and deliver goods to consumers
18 Process planning is also known as process engineering;
- (A) TRUE
19 Which of the following factors has minimum impact on process planning?
- (A) Product specifications
- (B) Product substance
- (C) Product quality and surface finish
- (D) Inventory of the industry
20 Determining which machines are suitable for a given job is
- (A) Economic planning
- (B) Process planning
- (C) Product planning
- (D) Scientist planning
21 Which of the following information is not important in process planning?
- (A) Product specifications
- (B) Comparison of work
- (C) Price of production
- (D) Production volume
22 The product is designed in
- (A) product engineering
- (B) Process engineering
- (C) construction engineering
- (D) quality engineering
23 Standard time is equal to
- (A) Normal time minus allowances
- (B) Normal time plus allowances
- (C) Representative time multiplied by rating factor
- (D) Normal time taken by an operator
24 The allowance (s) can be classified as
- (A) Relaxation
- (B) Interference
- (C) Contingency
- (D) All of the above
25 The allowed time for a job equals: standard time plus
- (A) (a) policy allowance
- (B) (b) interference allowance
- (C) (c) process allowance
- (D) (d) learning allowance
26 The molding process is used in preparing chocolate candy bar. Personal fatigue and delay allowance are set at 15%. The molding machine operator is rated at 120%. Observed times per batch are given below. Then the standard time for the task is __________min. Observed time in minutes : Task1 – 26min, Task2 – 30 min, Task3 – 29 min, Task4 – 31 min
- (A) 40
- (B) 40.1
- (C) 40.02
- (D) 41.02
27 In an industrial operation, following data are given: Representation time = 0.85min, Rating factor = 120%, Relaxation allowance = 11%, Personal allowance = 4% of normal time, Delay allowance = 3%. Then, the standard time will be ______________min
- (A) 1.204
- (B) 1.404
- (C) 1.2
- (D) 1.303
28 If the observed time for an operator is 18 min. and operator is rated as 130% and 10% allowances are given. The standard time for completing the job is _______________
- (A) 25.25
- (B) 25.1
- (C) 25.74
- (D) 25.84
29 The observed time of an operation has been calculated as 10 min. The worker was rated at 80%. If the relaxation and other allowances were 50% then the standard time could be ___________min
- (A) 12
- (B) 10
- (C) 15
- (D) 18
30 The observed time for a particular observation is 1 min. If the rating factor for that particular operators is 85% and an allowances of 20% is to be given the standard time is
- (A) 1min
- (B) 0.85min
- (C) 1.02min
- (D) 1.05min
31 During 8 hours study worker was found to be idle for 18% of time and produced 1800units. If 15% allowance is to be provide. The standard time is
- (A) 13.12sec
- (B) 15.088sec
- (C) 14.2sec
- (D) 14.67sec
32 If in a time study, the observed time is 0.75 min, rating factor = 110% and allowances are 20% of normal time, then what is the standard time?
- (A) 0.82 min
- (B) 0.975 min
- (C) 0•99 min
- (D) 1•03
33 Compensation based on amount of output an employee produced during a pay period.
- (A) Standard elemental times
- (B) Time-based system
- (C) Stopwatch time study
- (D) Output-based (incentive) system
34 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
- (A) Therbligs
- (B) Job design
- (C) OSHA
- (D) Ergonomics
35 Incorporation of human factors in the design of the workplace.
- (A) Ergonomics
- (B) OSHA
- (C) Job design
- (D) Therbligs
36 A pay system used by organizations to reward workers who undergo training that increases their skills.
- (A) Time-based system
- (B) Work measurement
- (C) Knowledge-based pay
- (D) Job design
37 Compensation based on time an employee has worked during a pay period.
- (A) Therbligs
- (B) Standard time
- (C) Knowledge-based pay
- (D) Time-based system
38 Giving a worker a larger portion of the total task, by horizontal loading.
- (A) Job design
- (B) Work measurement
- (C) Job enrichment
- (D) Job enlargement
39 Groups empowered to make certain changes in their work processes.
- (A) Time-based system
- (B) Self-directed teams
- (C) Standard time
- (D) Flow process chart
40 The act of specifying the contents and methods of jobs.
- (A) Job rotation
- (B) Job design
- (C) Therbligs
- (D) OSHA
41 Technique for estimating the proportion of time that a worker or machine spends on various activities and the idle time.
- (A) Job design
- (B) Ergonomics
- (C) Work measurement
- (D) Work sampling
42 Table consisting of unordered sequences of numbers, used to determine random observation schedules.
- (A) Standard time
- (B) Job rotation
- (C) Ergonomics
- (D) Random number table
43 Workers periodically exchange jobs.
- (A) Job rotation
- (B) Job enlargement
- (C) Specialization
- (D) Job design
44 Work that concentrates on some aspect of a product or service.
- (A) Therbligs
- (B) Job rotation
- (C) Standard time
- (D) Specialization
45 Increasing responsibility for planning and coordination tasks, by vertical loading.
- (A) Job enrichment
- (B) Job rotation
- (C) Job design
- (D) Job enlargement
46 Analytical Estimating uses synthetic data
- (A) TRUE
47 _________________ gives us observation within the desired accuracy.
- (A) Analytical Estimating
- (B) Work Sampling
- (C) Synthesizing form standard data
- (D) None of the above
48 Disadvantage of Work sampling
- (A) Data inaccuracy
- (B) Lack of assistance
- (C) Uneconomical to study activities of short duration.
- (D) all of the above
49 _________________ breaks the task into number of elements.
- (A) Analytical Estimating
- (B) Work Sampling
- (C) Synthesizing form standard data
- (D) A and C
50 PMTS stands for
- (A) Predetermined Motion Time System
- (B) Predetermined Method Time system
- (C) Predetermined Motion Technique System
- (D) Predetermined Method Technique System
51 Predetermined Motion Time System adds proper allowances to the basic time to arrive at the standard tim
- (A) TRUE
52 Predetermined Motion Time System eliminates ________________ associated with time study.
- (A) errors
- (B) redundancy
- (C) inaccuracies
- (D) dissimilarities
53 policy allowance is a management decision and can be demanded by a worker
- (A) TRUE
54 Implementation of allowance to adopt a new method is known as
- (A) Policy allowance
- (B) Contingency allowance
- (C) special allowance
- (D) Relaxation allowance
55 Special allowance may be given for any activities which are normally part of the operation cycl
- (A) TRUE
56 Power failure of small durations is an example of
- (A) Contingency allowance
- (B) Policy allowance
- (C) special allowance
- (D) Relaxation allowance
57 Allowances are not added to the normal tim
- (A) TRUE
58 Production is defined as __________
- (A) Maintaining the product form
- (B) Step by step conversion of one material into another form.
- (C) Vanishing the product.
- (D) None of these
59 In the production system, 4M’s stands for ____
- (A) Men, material,money,machines
- (B) Machine, movement, money,machines
- (C) Methodology, men,money,machines
- (D) None of these
60 What are the factors of production?
- (A) Capital
- (B) Labor
- (C) Land
- (D) All of these
61 Primary inputs are also called as _____
- (A) Factor inputs
- (B) Substance inputs
- (C) Lateral inputs
- (D) None of these
62 Human efforts done physically or mentally with the aim of earning is known as
- (A) Capital
- (B) Labor
- (C) Entrepreneur
- (D) None of these
63 All man-made aids to production, which are not consumed for their own sake is termed as ____
- (A) Capital
- (B) Labor
- (C) Entrepreneur
- (D) None of these
64 What is the full form of SCM?
- (A) Source commission management
- (B) Supply chain management
- (C) Supply commission management
- (D) None of these
65 ______ is the broad range of activities required to plan, control and execut
- (A) Source commission management
- (B) Supply chain management
- (C) Supply commission management
- (D) None of these
66 What is responsible for conversion of raw materials into finished products?
- (A) Supply chain management
- (B) Process engineering
- (C) Manufacturing unit
- (D) All of these
67 What are the functions of process engineering?
- (A) To determine the basic manufacturing process
- (B) To determine the sequence of operations
- (C) To determine the tooling and equipments required
- (D) All of these
68 What is the information’s required for process engineering?
- (A) Engineering drawing of the component.
- (B) Knowledge of manufacturing process
- (C) Knowledge of various tooling and fixtures.
- (D) All of these
69 How is the actual idea represented after the product finalize?
- (A) By part drawing
- (B) By blue prints
- (C) By part prints
- (D) All of these
70 Which one is not the important information in the part printing?
- (A) General description of the part.
- (B) General configuration of the part
- (C) Price information
- (D) Design modification
71 In part prints, the information of the material from which the part is made is not mentione
- (B) TRUE
72 _____ tells about the natural tolerance of the machin
- (A) Prints
- (B) Process capability
- (C) Surface finish
- (D) All of these
73 Examples of basic processes.
- (A) Forging
- (B) Casting
- (C) Both A and B
- (D) None of these
74 In which process we do operation like extruding, rolling, drawing, machining etc?
- (A) Basic processes
- (B) Principle processes
- (C) Intermediate processes
- (D) None of these
75 What are the informations required to determine operation sequence?
- (A) List of machines available
- (B) List of tooling
- (C) Machine load chart
- (D) All of these
76 Operation sheet is made in chart form.
- (A) True
77 What is the full form of CPM?
- (A) Cost partial method
- (B) Critical path method
- (C) Cost partial manufacturer
- (D) None of these
78 Which represents the start and end of an activity in CPM?
- (A) Event
- (B) Activity
- (C) Network
- (D) None of these
79 ____ is a representation on various activities and event in a logical sequenc
- (A) Event
- (B) Activity
- (C) Network
- (D) None of these
80 An activity which does not consume any resources is called _____
- (A) Useless activity
- (B) Idle activity
- (C) Dummy activity
- (D) Secondary activity
81 What is the full form of A-O-A?
- (A) Activity-on-Arrow
- (B) Amplifier-on-arrow
- (C) Accumulator-on-activity
- (D) None of these
82 What is the full form of EST wrt to critical path?
- (A) Environmental science technology
- (B) Earliest start time
- (C) Evacuated steam transistor
- (D) None of these
83 The slack of an event is the difference between its latest occurrence time and its earliest occurrence tim
- (B) TRUE
84 PERT analysis is based on
- (A) optimistic time
- (B) pessimistic time
- (C) most likely time
- (D) all the abov
85 While scheduling a project by P.M.
- (A) a project is divided into various activities
- (B) required time for each activity is established
- (C) sequence of various activities is made according to their importance
- (D) All the abov
86 Completion of an activity on CPM network diagram, is generally known
- (A) Event
- (B) Node
- (C) Connector
- (D) All the abov
87 An event is indicated on the network by a number enclosed in
- (A) a circle
- (B) a square
- (C) a triangle
- (D) all the abov
88 Chart used to examine the overall sequence of an operation by focusing on movements of the operator or flow of materials.
- (A) Job rotation
- (B) Flow process chart
- (C) Worker-machine chart
- (D) Job enrichment
89 Systematic study of the human motions used to perform an operation.
- (A) Ergonomics
- (B) Job design
- (C) Micromotion study
- (D) Motion study
90 Use of motion pictures and slow motion to study motions that otherwise would be too rapid to analyze.
- (A) Motion study
- (B) Job rotation
- (C) Stopwatch time study
- (D) Micromotion study
91 Chart used to determine portions of a work cycle during which an operator and equipment are busy or idle.
- (A) Flow process chart
- (B) Worker-machine chart
- (C) Work measurement
- (D) Work sampling
92 Time standards derived from a firm’s historical time data.
- (A) Standard time
- (B) Standard elemental times
- (C) Self-directed teams
- (D) Methods analysis
93 Development of a time standard based on observations of one worker taken over a number of cycles.
- (A) Micromotion study
- (B) Standard time
- (C) Stopwatch time study
- (D) Motion study
94 Analyzing how a job is done.
- (A) Ergonomics
- (B) Methods analysis
- (C) Therbligs
- (D) Motion study
95 Guidelines for designing motion efficient work procedures.
- (A) Motion study principles
- (B) Motion study
- (C) Methods analysis
- (D) Micromotion study
96 The amount of time it should take a qualified worker to complete a specified task, working at a sustainable rate, using given methods, tools and equipment, raw materials, and workplace arrangement.
- (A) Specialization
- (B) Therbligs
- (C) Standard elemental times
- (D) Standard time
97 Published data based on extensive research to determine standard elemental times.
- (A) Micromotion study
- (B) Stopwatch time study
- (C) Self-directed teams
- (D) Predetermined time standards
98 Determining how long it should take to do a job.
- (A) Work sampling
- (B) Job enlargement
- (C) Job enrichment
- (D) Work measurement
99 Basic elemental motions that make up a job.
- (A) OSHA
- (B) Ergonomics
- (C) Therbligs
- (D) Job design
100 The path of light photographed is called as _________________.
- (A) Chronocycle Graph
- (B) Cycle Graph
- (C) Cosine Graph
- (D) None of the abov