Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1 Financial management is nothing but effective management of —–- (A) Funds
- (B) Material
- (C) Labour
- (D) Equipment
2 Even though permanent working capital is working capital but its nature is —–for every year or month.
- (A) Temporary
- (B) Permanent
- (C) Variable
- (D) Increasing basis
3 —–is an instrument of management for planning its future activities.
- (A) Accounts
- (C) Debentures
- (D) Shares
- (B) Budgets
4 —–operates on the principle that if you have something it must have been paid for somehow.
- (A) Profit & loss account
- (B) Organization chart
- (C) Balance sheet
- (D) Labour budget
5 A man working in an industry has annual income of Rs. 2,50,000 from all sources, total investment like PF, PPF, LIC savings Rs.50,000, Exempted amount for income tax is 1,50,000 Rs. & income tax rate is 10% up to 3,00,000. Find out amount of income tax paid by that person is 2010050305018 —–is way of keeping material which will not stop the Manufacturing and allied process
- (A) Inventory
- (B) Handling
- (C) Assurance
- (D) Control
6 The results of ABC analysis have to be reviewed —–&
- (A) Regularly
- (B) Periodically
- (C) Monthly
- (D) Yearly
7 If there is more stock than requirement, then the cost of carrying it i.e. —–cost will be more.
- (A) Procurement
- (B) Purchase
- (C) Inventory
- (D) Transport
8 MRP (Material Resource Planning) projects not only demand but also the timing of the —–demand.
- (A) Purchase quantity
- (B) Sell quantity
- (C) Production
- (D) Inventory
9 If a TV manufacturing industry is using ABC analysis for inventory management. They are having items such as picture tube main costly item, PCB moderately cost & electronics components less costly items, then classify these items into A items, B items & C items.
- (A) A-Picture tube, B- PCB, C electronics components
- (B) A-Electronics components, B- PCB, C- picture tube
- (C) A-PCB, B- picture tube, C- electronics components
- (D) A-Picture tube, B- electronics components, C- PCB
10 According to ERP each department has its own ERP module following are the ERP module and department match ERP module with their department A. ERP Finance module B. ERP Human Resources Module C. ERP Purchase Module D. ERP production module and Departments are 1. Production Dept. 2. Account Dept. 3. Purchase Dept. 4. Personal Dept.
- (A) A-2, B- 4, C- 3, D-1
- (B) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
- (C) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
- (D) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
11 Quality —–gives more attention on testing of products to find defects & reporting to management before release of product.
- (A) Feedback
- (B) Assurance
- (C) Management
- (D) Control
12 Kaizen is the Japanese term which means —–
- (A) Increment
- (B) Decrement
- (C) Improvement
- (D) Steady state
13 5S methodology for organizing & minimizing items within a workplace in order to operate more —–
- (A) Effectively
- (C) Efficiently
- (D) Satisfactorily
- (B) Regularly
14 Following are the stages & Break through Strategy (B.S.) phases. Match the Stage & Break through Strategy correctly. 1. Identification 2. Characterization 3. Optimization 4. Institutionalization and B.S. phases are A. Improve & Control B. Standardize & Integrate C. Recognize & Define D. Measure & Analyze
- (A) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D
- (B) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B
- (C) 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 1-A
- (D) 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C
15 The term management means—?
- (A) Planning & organizing
- (B) Coordinating & Directing
- (C) Guiding & Motivating
- (D) All above
16 Organizing process transfers—– into reality
- (A) Plans
- (B) Problems
- (C) Task
- (D) None of these
17 To avoid delay in work—–Management function is used.
- (A) Planning
- (B) Coordinating
- (C) Directing
- (D) Motivating
18 ——- type of organization is suitable for military & small businesses.
- (A) Line
- (B) Functional
- (C) Line & staff
- (D) Project
19 ——- is important not only for individual but for an organization also.
- (A) Discipline
- (B) Authority
- (C) Division of work
- (D) Remuneration
20 The function of administration is ————–
- (A) Decision making
- (B) Policy making
- (C) Controlling & ensure
- (D) All of above
21 The factor which affects decision making is ———————-
- (A) Certainty
- (B) Risk
- (C) Uncertainty
- (D) All of above
22 ———– is the downward transfer of authority from manager to subordinate.
- (A) Authority
- (B) Responsibility
- (C) Delegation
- (D) None of the above
23 ——– level management is known as strategic level of management.
- (A) Top
- (C) Middle
- (D) Lower
- (B) None of the above
24 The area of classical school are ———-
- (A) Scientific Management
- (B) Administrative Management
- (C) Bureaucratic Management
- (D) All of above
25 ——————— is not the type of service industry.
- (A) Entertainment
- (B) Hospitality
- (C) Import & Export House
- (D) None of the above
26 Following are types of banks ———-
- (A) Commercial banks
- (B) Regional Banks
- (C) Cooperative Banks
- (D) All of the Above
27 In ABC analysis, the 20 % items in industry having cost 80% of total inventory cost is called as ——-
- (A) Type A
- (B) Type B
- (C) Type C
- (D) None
28 ———— inventory is not a type of inventory.
- (A) Raw
- (B) Finished
- (C) In-process
- (D) Departmental
29 Continuous Improvement means ———–
- (A) Kaizen
- (B) 5S
- (C) Six sigma
- (D) None of the above
30 Which statement is wrong?
- (A) Authority cannot be delegated
- (B) Authority is the power to act
- (C) Higher the post, higher is the authority
- (D) Authority is right to command
31 Why plan fails
- (A) Lack of Knowledge
- (B) Insufficient data
- (C) Over confidence
- (D) All are correct
32 License permit raj in India was in this period
- (A) 1965 – 1990
- (B) 1990 – 2002
- (C) 1965 – 1970
- (D) 1955 – 1965
33 Application of ERP are —–
- (A) SAP
- (C) Tally ERP
- (D) MPR
- (B) Both A & B
34 Benefits of ISO 9001:2000 are —–
- (A) Customer satisfaction can be achieved
- (B) Strong leadership motivates personnel and guide
- (C) All of the above
- (D) None of these
35 —– accident prevents employees from working, for the period less than 48 hours from the time of accident.
- (A) Fatal
- (B) Major
- (C) Minor
- (D) Trivial
36 —–is an unfortunate & sudden miss-happening which causes damage or loss of property, material or human.
- (A) Accident
- (B) Activity
- (C) Process
- (D) Movement
37 When 20 number of persons comes together to form a business as owners with all legal formalities then formed ownership is called as —–type of ownership.
- (A) Co-operative
- (B) Joint stock company
- (C) Partnership
- (D) Proprietorship
38 When a group of people are pulled together for a special task then formed structure of organization is called —–organization
- (A) Project
- (B) Line
- (C) Functional
- (D) Line & staff
39 Departmentation is done on the basis of product, function & —–
- (A) Working
- (B) Manufacturing technique
- (C) Process
- (D) Methods
40 Senses of responsibility increases due to —–provided by seniors.
- (A) Authority
- (B) Responsibility
- (C) Initiative
- (D) Leading
41 Similar activities & related people are grouped together to form a
- (A) Department
- (B) Organization
- (C) Span of control
- (D) Committee
42 Organization establishes a relationship between authority & —– & controls the efforts of group.
- (A) Authority
- (B) Responsibility
- (C) Delegation
- (D) Controlling
43 Which function of management fails due to following reasons a. Incorrect person to do plan, b. faulty System of work c. Insufficient data d. No feedback system e. Overconfidence
- (A) Organizing
- (C) Directing
- (D) Planning
- (B) Motivating
44 common goals of the enterprise is called as —–function of management
- (A) Organizing
- (B) Directing
- (C) Motivation
- (D) Coordination
45 Middle level management is also called as —–of managers
- (A) Strategic Level
- (B) Operational Level
- (C) Tactical Level
- (D) Force Level
46 Management works as —–to produce goods using labour, materials and capital
- (A) Catalyst
- (B) Activator
- (C) Convertor
- (D) Processor
47 —–is a plan that views future production of end product.
- (A) MPR
- (B) MPS
- (C) ERP
- (D) None of above
48 Work environment clause of ISO 9001:2000 —–
- (A) Gives guidelines about their development to education, training, skill and experience of personnel involved in work.
- (B) The organization should identify work environment that ensures conformity of service
- (C) The organization must plan and develop the processes that are required for product realization
- (D) All of the above
49 The idea of liberalization in the present phase of globalization deals with
- (A) Economic aspect
- (B) Political aspect
- (C) Technological aspect
- (D) None of the above
50 One of the following is definitely not a positive aspect of globalization in India
- (A) Growth of small scale industry
- (B) Provision of technology
- (C) Foreign investment
- (D) Employment opportunities
51 The services provided by Ashoka hotel comes under
- (A) Primary activity
- (B) Secondary activity
- (C) Tertiary activity
- (D) Manufacturing process
52 The art of getting things done by people is called as
- (A) Organization
- (B) Management
- (C) Direction
- (D) Staffing
53 Who is recognized as a man who invented management
- (A) Taylor
- (C) Elton mayo
- (D) Mary Follet
- (B) Peter Drucker
54 The lower level of managers work at
- (A) Stragetical level
- (B) Tactical level
- (C) Operational level
- (D) At all levels
55 The management of interdependence in work situations is called as
- (A) Direction
- (B) Motivation
- (C) Inspiration
- (D) Coordination
56 An organization is nothing but
- (A) Executive function
- (B) Decision making body
- (C) Structure of Management
- (D) The operational aspect of management
57 Functional organizations are based on
- (A) Superior Subordinate relationship
- (B) Based on specialization factor
- (C) Based on authority and responsibility
- (D) None of the above
58 mechanical department will look after the responsibility in his absence, this is called
- (A) Sharing of responsibility
- (B) Delegation
- (C) Decentralization
- (D) Authority
59 two of our friends decided to start a garment shop such type of business organization can be called
- (A) Proprietorship
- (B) Partnership
- (C) Joint ownership
- (D) Cooperative
60 Minimum wages need to be paid in:
- (A) Cash
- (B) Demand draft
- (C) Cheque
- (D) None of the above
61 The quantity to be ordered depends upon two costs, what are they
- (A) Capital cost and material cost
- (B) Holding cost and procurement cost
- (C) Inventory cost and purchasing cost
- (D) Working capital and material cost
62 In Kaizen the role of middle management is
- (A) Establishment at corporate level
- (B) To implement the process
- (C) To implement the process at functional level
- (D) To act as a leader
63 I want the products of my company to achieve perfect quality, which tool will I apply to check this
- (A) Six sigma
- (C) ABC analysis
- (D) MRP
- (B) EOQ
64 I wanted to know the major and minor causes which are responsible for the problem, from the following which technique will I adopt
- (A) ERP
- (B) ABC analysis
- (C) MRP
- (D) Ishikawa diagram
65 Find the odd one out
- (A) ABC analysis
- (B) EOQ
- (C) MRP
- (D) TQM
66 Which of the following is correctly matched
- (A) Seiri means sorting and Seition means Set in order
- (B) Seiri means sorting and seition means standardizing
- (C) Seiri means weeping and seition means set in order
- (D) None of the above
67 EOQ does not work if—–order quantity is compulsory.
- (A) Minimum
- (B) Maximum
- (C) Smaller
- (D) None
68 ———— activity is complicated and takes more time.
- (A) Purchasing
- (B) Procurement
- (C) Both (a) & (b)
- (D) None of the above
69 Income other than sales are called as ————
- (A) Indirect income
- (B) Abnormal losses
- (C) Sales
- (D) Selling & distribution
70 Direct tax is an example of ———–
- (A) Income tax
- (B) Sales tax
- (C) Wealth tax
- (D) All of the above
71 Out of following, —–is not considered as a dependent.
- (A) Widow
- (B) Minor son
- (C) Widow mother
- (D) Married sister
72 Fire extinguishers should be kept in easily accessible places. Under which category of accident prevention methods does this appear?
- (A) Safe material handling
- (B) Personal protection devices
- (C) Good house keeping
- (D) Safety measures essential in industry
73 Lack of training to worker is a cause of accident due to ——–
- (A) Worker
- (C) Management
- (D) Wrong layout of workplace
- (B) Natural disaster
74 Features of project organization are ————
- (A) Can be internally formed
- (B) Temporary in nature
- (C) Having less no. of
- (D) All of the above
75 Factor which affects Departmentation are ———–
- (A) Product
- (B) Process
- (C) Function
- (D) All of the Above
76 ———— means right (to command) and power to act.
- (A) Authority
- (B) Responsibility
- (C) Communication
- (D) None of the above
77 ———- organization is also called as staff organization.
- (A) Line
- (B) Military
- (C) Scalar
- (D) Functional
78 In ABC analysis which inventory is classified into category A items?
- (A) Annual consumption cost is around 15-25%
- (B) Annual consumption cost is around 70-80%
- (C) Annual consumption cost is around 5-10%
- (D) Annual consumption cost is around 50%
79 —–is a detailed list of movable items which are required for manufacturing products and maintaining the equipment and machines in good working order.
- (A) Inventory
- (B) Production
- (C) Purchase
- (D) None
80 Which are the functions in materials management?
- (A) Planning
- (B) Warehousing
- (C) Storage management
- (D) All of the above
81 The principal files that are incorporated into a computerized MRP system are:
- (A) Inventory record, master schedule, BOM
- (B) Inventory record, master file, part-period balancing program
- (C) Capacity requirements planning file, master schedule, inventory record.
- (D) MRP computer program, master schedule, capacity requirements planning file
82 The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs of the customer is called —–.
- (A) TQM
- (B) QC
- (C) Quality
- (D) QA
83 Decision about the quality system are made based on recorded data and the system is regularly audited and evaluated for conformance and effectiveness, is the clause of —–.
- (A) ISO: 9001
- (C) Workmen’s Compensation Act
- (D) Factory Act
- (B) Minimum Wages Act
84 Identify the diagram, which is an investigative tool of quality control to rearrange possible causes of the problem?
- (A) Ishikawa diagram
- (B) Control chart
- (C) Pareto analysis
- (D) Check list
85 DMAIC stands for define, measure, analyze, improve and control. It involves defining the problem, measuring where you stand, analyzing where the problem starts, improving the situation and controlling the new process to confirm that is fixed. The Analyze step, involves –
- (A) Numerical parameter used to define and measure the problem
- (B) Numerical measurement of the current process is necessary in order to change the process
- (C) Elimination of the gap between the current practice and the desired goal
- (D) Change to be implemented to achieve goal
86 Indian Industry Started from –
- (A) 1850
- (B) 1947
- (C) 1950
- (D) None of these
87 I.T. Sectors involves-
- (A) IT Enabled Services
- (B) Telecommunications
- (C) A and B Both
- (D) None of these
88 An activity which involves handling or directing the affairs of an organization is called as-
- (A) Administration
- (B) Management
- (C) A and B Both
- (D) None of these
89 Available alternatives to achieve the desired aims and objectives of the business is termed as –
- (A) Controlling
- (B) Supervising
- (C) Directing
- (D) Decision Making
90 Who is called as Founder and Architect of “Modern Scientific Management”?
- (A) Fredrick W. Taylor
- (B) Henry Fayol
- (C) Robert Owen
- (D) Robinson Boulton
91 Scientific Management Involves –
- (A) Market Analysis, Budgetary Control and Stock Control
- (B) Process & Operation Analysis, Planning & Scheduling
- (C) Quality & Cost Control, Maintenance Control, labour Incentive & Control
- (D) All of the above
92 While working as a professional Manager in any modern Industrial Organization, which of the following duties he is expected to perform?
- (A) Manger as a Leader & mediator
- (B) Manager as a Co-worker
- (C) Manager as an Implementer
- (D) All of the above
93 Figure shows Modern Thought represented in a schematic way. Fill in the appropriate Terminology at space marked by “?”
- (A) Principles of Management
- (C) Functions of Management
- (D) Management & Administration
- (B) None of the Above
94 Which of the following is / are the characteristics of Organization?
- (A) Small or large group of people
- (B) Group lead by executive
- (C) Leader responsible to employees
- (D) All of the above
95 The commonly known forms of organization structures are –
- (A) Line Organization
- (B) Line & Staff Organization
- (C) Functional Organization
- (D) All of the above
96 Joint stock private limited company is –
- (A) Managed by Government
- (B) Not Managed by Government
- (C) A & B Both
- (D) None of the Above
97 Balaji Tele-films, Bharat Fertilizers are –
- (A) Sole proprietorship
- (B) Public corporations
- (C) Government companies
- (D) None of the Above
98 Which of the following is a cause of accident?
- (A) Improper working
- (B) Poor quality of illumination
- (C) Fatigue
- (D) All of the above
99 A temporary accommodation given by the bank to their customers against certain security is called
- (A) Clean Advance
- (B) Overdrafts
- (C) Cash Credits
- (D) Secured Loans
100 When finance is required for expansion and development of an organization, it can be raised through loans instead of issuing shares is termed as –
- (A) Preference /shares
- (B) Debentures
- (C) Instant Loans
- (D) None of the Above