Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1 —– is used for all the current assets (Possessions or Property)- (A) Net working capital
- (B) Gross working capital
- (C) Temporary working capital
- (D) Permanent working capital
2 For big industries, the amount of —– is very large.
- (A) Depreciation provision
- (B) Retained provision
- (C) Deferred provision
- (D) All of the above
3 A —– is one which relates to any of the function of an undertaking e.g., sales, production, cash, etc.
- (A) Functional budget
- (B) Fixed budget
- (C) Variable budget
- (D) All of the above
4 —– is a form of Indirect tax imposed on specified services called “Taxable Services”.
- (A) Service tax
- (B) Indirect tax
- (C) Direct tax
- (D) Income tax
5 —– is made up of list of the sub-assemblies as well as components that makes up the end product.
- (A) Master production schedule
- (B) Bill of material
- (C) Material resource planning
- (D) Inventory record file
6 Applications of six sigma are —–
- (A) Maximize quality
- (B) Identify ways to increase production capacities of present equipment
- (C) Increases the cycle time for hiring and training new employees in organization
- (D) All of the above
7 A quality policy makes a foundation for —–
- (A) Commitment to quality
- (B) Objective related improvement
- (C) Objective related to customer requirements
- (D) All of the above
8 A plan for the co-ordination of resources and expenditures
- (A) Accounts
- (B) Finance
- (C) Ledger
- (D) Budget
9 Which one of the following is not a type of share?
- (A) Cumulative share
- (B) Fixed share
- (C) Deferred share
- (D) Preference share
10 The sum that every shareholder gets is known as
- (A) Amount
- (B) Dividend
- (C) Shares
- (D) Capital
11 Person whose age is below 18 years is called a
- (A) Dependent
- (B) Workman
- (C) Minor
- (D) None of above
12 Industrial accidents are of the following types:
- (A) fatal
- (B) major
- (C) minor
- (D) All of the above
13 In order to have flexibility, the maintenance activities must be supported by —activities
- (A) Co-ordinate
- (B) Adaptive
- (C) Supportive
- (D) Financial
14 Departmentation helps to improve of an organization.
- (A) Effectiveness
- (B) Life
- (C) Quality
- (D) Skills
15 A business plan depends upon the information of
- (A) Product
- (B) Material
- (C) Finance
- (D) Market
16 —– is the right to issue order or make decisions
- (A) To manage
- (B) Government policy
- (C) Supervise
- (D) Authority
17 The function of employing eligible people for the company
- (A) Planning
- (B) Staffing
- (C) Strategy
- (D) Mission
18 According to Drucker the purpose of business
- (A) To get money
- (B) To acquire success in market
- (C) To satisfy customers
- (D) To create and keep
19 What does a business provide to the customer in exchange of their money?
- (A) Goods and services
- (B) Profit and services
- (C) Satisfaction and reliability
- (D) Knowledge and happiness
20 Main heads of income are
- (A) Salary
- (B) House property
- (C) Profit in business
- (D) All of the above
21 Working Capital is calculated as
- (A) Working Capital=Current Assets-Current Liabilities
- (B) Capital=Fixed Assets-Current Liabilities
- (C) Working Capital=Current Assets-Fixed Liabilities
- (D) None
22 Which are the most important items
- (A) A item
- (B) B item
- (C) C item
- (D) None of these
23 Fill the name of inventory in the blank space provided
- (A) Raw material
- (B) Indirect material
- (C) Work in progress
- (D) Finished goods
24 Purchasing is one of the functions of management
- (A) Production
- (B) Material
- (C) Design
- (D) None of these
25 In inventory management by ABC analysis A items most costly, item C are inexpensive and item B have cost between A and B which item is having highest inventory
- (A) Item A
- (B) Item B
- (C) Item C
- (D) Item A and C
26 State owned or Co-operative businesses have one of their main objectives as the generation of………….
- (A) (a) Loss
- (B) (b) Profit
- (C) (c) Service the society/nation
- (D) (d) none
27 A commercial, industrial of professional activity undertaken by an individual or a group, e.g., the purchase & Sale of goods, providing services etc. in an attempt to make a profit is called
- (A) (a) Budget
- (B) (b) Business
- (C) (c) Hospital
- (D) (d) Education
28 Following are mentioned few duties. Which is not the duty of management?
- (A) a) To keep stability
- (B) b) To reduce wastages
- (C) c)To motivate staff
- (D) d)To do manufacturing
29 …………gives power in the hands of center.
- (A) a) Responsibility
- (B) b) Centralization
- (C) c)Authority
- (D) d)Discipline
30 Which of the following is one of the principles of organization?
- (A) Order
- (B) Span of Control
- (C) Scalar Chain
- (D) None of the above
31 Which type of organizational structure can be applied to small scale Industry?
- (A) Line
- (B) Line & Staff
- (C) Functional
- (D) None of the above
32 What is the function of Gang Boss?
- (A) Repairing of Machines
- (B) Setting up Jobs on Machine
- (C) Deciding cutting tool and
- (D) Inspection
33 Which of the following is type of Departmentation?
- (A) By Product
- (B) By Design
- (C) By Quality
- (D) None of the above
34 Which of the following is not a form of ownership?
- (A) Joint Stock
- (B) Proprietorship
- (C) Partnership
- (D) Dealership
35 Which of the following may be the cause of accident?
- (A) a) Overconfidence of employee
- (B) b) Proper Training
- (C) c)Sound Knowledge
- (D) d)None of the above
36 Which of the following is preventive measure of accident?
- (A) a) Proper working condition
- (B) b) Proper wages
- (C) c)Proper feedback system
- (D) d)None of the above
37 Finance may be defined as art & science of ……….
- (A) Managing Material
- (B) Managing Money
- (C) Managing Men
- (D) Managing Machinery
38 Fixed capital is the capital which is needed to meet the……….
- (A) Short term purpose
- (B) Long term purpose
- (C) Medium term purpose
- (D) None of the above
39 Balance sheet is a statement of……………
- (A) a) Assets
- (B) b) Liabilities
- (C) c)Capital
- (D) d) All of the above
40 A fee levied by a government on a product, income or activity is called
- (A) Tax
- (B) Duty
- (C) Fines
- (D) None of the above
41 Excise tax are…………. Tax whereas custom duties are taxes
- (A) a) Inland, Border
- (B) b) Border, Inland
- (C) c)Higher, lower
- (D) d)None of the above
42 Percentage of total inventory for “A” category material is………….
- (A) a) less than 10%
- (B) b)10-20%
- (C) c)70-80%
- (D) d)None of the above
43 The five great “M” of management are
- (A) a) Money, Methodology, Mobility, Machine, Management
- (B) b) Men, Machine, Money, Material, Method
- (C) c)Management, Marketing, material, Mobility, Men
- (D) d)None of the above
44 Inventory Control is concerned with………….
- (A) a) Acquisition
- (B) b) Storage & Handling
- (C) c)Use of Inventories
- (D) d)All of the above
45 Total Cost is calculated by adding
- (A) a) Order quantity &carrying cost
- (B) b) Purchase cost & selling cost
- (C) c)Procurement cost &carrying cost
- (D) d)carrying cost & tax
46 Objective of Quality Circle is….
- (A) To identify problems
- (B) To solve the problems
- (C) Both a & b
- (D) None of the above
47 ISO stands for…….
- (A) Indian Standard Organization
- (B) International Organization for Standardization
- (C) Indian Organization for Standardization
- (D) International Standard Organization
48 Which of the following words does not include in 5S?
- (A) a) Sorting
- (B) b) Straighten
- (C) c)Shining
- (D) d)Safety
49 Which one of the following is the leading software exporter from India?
- (A) a) Bangalore
- (B) b) Hyderabad
- (C) c)Chennai
- (D) d)Mumbai
50 —– reduces uncertainty
- (A) a) Working
- (B) b) Planning
- (C) c)organizing
- (D) d)Leading
51 —– is the judgement of future
- (A) a) Forecasting
- (B) b) Planning
- (C) c)Mission
- (D) d)organizing
52 The process of inspiring the subordinates to put in their best is known as
- (A) a) Motivation
- (B) b) Teamwork
- (C) c)Management
- (D) d)Leadership
53 Which is not type of communication
- (A) a) Voice mails
- (B) b) publications
- (C) c)formal presentation
- (D) d)listening
54 The process of monitoring, comparing & correcting is called —–
- (A) a) Coordinating
- (B) b) controlling
- (C) c)leading
- (D) d)organizing
55 For a manager, to control or direct the work to an employee, the manager must
- (A) a) Line authority
- (B) b) responsibility
- (C) c)Referent power
- (D) d)Staff authority
56 Who is responsible for the actual operations of various departments?
- (A) Top management
- (B) Board of directors
- (C) Middle management
- (D) Frontline Management
57 Getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense or waste is the definition
- (A) Efficiency
- (B) Effectiveness
- (C) Productivity
- (D) Planning
58 Day as per factory act is:
- (A) 6am to 6pm
- (B) period of 12 hours
- (C) period between 2 midnights
- (D) None of the above
59 Financial management aims at
- (A) financial control
- (B) control of cash
- (C) Management of earnings
- (D) All of the above
60 Working capital is the capital which is needed to meet the…………
- (A) Day to day transaction
- (B) Short term purpose
- (C) Long term purpose
- (D) None of the above
61 —– budget is the projection of cash inflow & outflow for a particular time period in future
- (A) cash
- (B) sales
- (C) material
- (D) capital expenditure
62 The balance sheet shows liabilities & assets of the
- (A) a) sales
- (B) b) company
- (C) c)production
- (D) d)owner
63 Inventory control means timely availability of all kind of materials
- (A) a) true
- (B) b) false
- (C) c)can’t predict
- (D) d)partly true
64 5″S” designed to
- (A) organize work
- (B) increase efficiency
- (C) create a safe work place
- (D) all of these
65 Cause and effect diagram is used in
- (A) problem identification
- (B) field visits
- (C) vendor surveys
- (D) problem analysis
66 Why safety is necessary in Industry?
- (A) To protect the employees from injuries or accident
- (B) To minimize wastage
- (C) To increase productivity
- (D) All of the above
67 Daily working hours of an adult worker should not exceed —–
- (A) 6 hours
- (B) 8 hours
- (C) 9 hours
- (D) 10 hours
68 How many members are required to start a public limited company?
- (A) Minimum 7
- (B) Minimum 2
- (C) Minimum 3
- (D) None of the above
69 Which of the following should be included in partnership deed?
- (A) Nature of the business
- (B) Date of starting partnership
- (C) Shares of profit and losses
- (D) All of the above
70 In private limited company number of members are limited to —–
- (A) 100
- (B) 150
- (C) 50
- (D) 60
71 Business owned by single person is known as —–
- (A) Proprietorship
- (B) Private limited
- (C) Partnership
- (D) Joint stock
72 Proportional development of each department means
- (A) Balance
- (B) Stability
- (C) Flexibility
- (D) Progress
73 Passing down some work to his/her subordinates is known as
- (A) Delegation
- (B) Flexibility
- (C) Authority
- (D) Responsibility
74 Which of the following function of management includes recruitment?
- (A) Planning
- (B) Coordinating
- (C) Decision making
- (D) Staffing
75 Which of the following includes in Top level management?
- (A) Directors
- (B) CEO
- (C) General Manager
- (D) All of the above
76 Which of the following post comes under middle level management?
- (A) Director
- (B) Branch Manager
- (C) Foreman
- (D) Supervisor
77 Frank B. Gilbreth worked on —–
- (A) Human relation
- (B) Time and Motion study
- (C) Daily Balance sheet
- (D) None of the above
78 Government established SEZ are for motivating —–
- (A) Textile Industry
- (B) Banking sector
- (C) IT Industry
- (D) All of the above
79 Which of the following is programmes undertaken by Government of India?
- (A) Rastriya Krishi Vikas
- (B) National Food Security
- (C) National Horticulture
- (D) All of the above
80 Producing more useful product from raw material is known as —–
- (A) Trading
- (B) Service
- (C) Designing
- (D) Manufacturing
81 Financial Institutions —–
- (A) Insurance companies
- (B) Industrial financial management
- (C) Industrial development corporation
- (D) All of the above
82 Shares means —–
- (A) Shares do not have maturity period
- (B) Shareholder is the real owner of the company.
- (C) Only a
- (D) Both a& b
83 Debentures is an —–
- (A) Unsecured bonds issued by company.
- (B) It has fixed rate of interest& fixed maturity period.
- (C) Only a
- (D) Both A & B
84 Productions budget shows —–
- (A) Shows productions
- (B) Shows quality and quantities
- (C) Shows departmental budget & gives total no of estimation production, scheduling of operation
- (D) All of the above
85 MRP is —–
- (A) Maximum Retail Price
- (B) Material Requirement Planning
- (C) Material Reliable Planning
- (D) Management of Resource Project
86 ABC is —–
- (A) Always Better Control
- (B) Always Basic Control
- (C) Always Better concept
- (D) None of the above
87 The cost represented by material fluctuates and may comprise between % of the total project cost.
- (A) 20-50%
- (B) 25-50%
- (C) 30-60%
- (D) 25-45%
88 5. Percentage of total inventory for „C‟ category material is —–
- (A) Less than 10%
- (B) 10 to 20%
- (C) 70 to 80%
- (D) None of the above
89 Which of the following is not a key feature of TQM?
- (A) Continuous improvement
- (B) Team work, trust and empowerment
- (C) Establishing clear specification
- (D) Identify customers and their needs
90 LPO stands for –.
- (A) A) Legal Process Outsourcing
- (B) B) Limited Process Outsourcing
- (C) C)Limited Procedure Outsourcing
- (D) D) Last Procedure Outsourcing
91 Annual growth of approximate —– is recorded in last five years by service
- (A) A)10%
- (B) B)30%
- (C) C)20%
- (D) D)5%
92 Following is not advantage of globalization
- (A) Increased competition
- (B) Huge amount of foreign investment
- (C) Access advanced technology
- (D) Access to external financing
93 Following is not principle of management-
- (A) Initiative
- (B) Scalar chain
- (C) Staffing
- (D) Responsibility
94 —– can be defined as the process by which a manager guides and influences the work of his subordinates
- (A) communication
- (B) leadership
- (C) motivation
- (D) All of the above
95 The —– process transforms plans into reality
- (A) Planning
- (B) Organizing
- (C) directing
- (D) All of the above
96 Advantages of line organization are
- (A) Easy communication among employees
- (B) almost no confusions exist
- (C) Working speed in fast
- (D) All of the above
97 Which is not the effect of accident on the worker?
- (A) Production stoppage
- (B) Injury to body
- (C) Loss of job
- (D) Financial loss
98 Internal sources are
- (A) Retained earnings
- (B) Depreciation provisions
- (C) Deferred taxation
- (D) All of the above
99 The amount of working capital required depends on —–
- (A) Time required for manufacturing/selling the product
- (B) Credit facilities offered by suppliers
- (C) Credit facilities offered to the customers
- (D) All
100 The budgeting process usually begins with a —– budget
- (A) Master
- (B) Sales
- (C) Materials
- (D) Direct labour