Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1 The________ operator preserves unmatched rows of the relations being joined.- (A) Inner join
- (B) Outer join
- (C) Union
- (D) Union join
2 The reasons leading to popularity of client-server systems are:
- (A) More powerful workstations on LANs
- (B) Needed for graphical user interfaces of end users.
- (C) Remove computing load for presentation services from the system managing a shared database resource
- (D) All
3 The relational model is based on the concept that data is organized and stored in two-dimensional tables called ____________.
- (A) Fields
- (B) Records
- (C) Relations
- (D) Keys
4 __________ contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a column or data type.
- (A) View
- (B) Rule
- (C) Index
- (D) Default
5 _________ first proposed the process of normalization.
- (A) Edgar. W
- (B) Edgar F. Codd
- (C) C Edward Stephen
- (D) Edward Codd
6 For using a specific database ________ command is used.
- (A) use database
- (B) databasename use
- (C) Both A &B
- (D) None of them
7 Which of the following is not comparison operator?
- (A) >
- (B) <
- (C) =<
- (D) >=
8 An outstanding functionality of SQL is its support for automatic________ to the target data.
- (A) programming
- (B) functioning
- (C) navigation
- (D) notification
9 _________ is a special type of integrity constraint that relates two relations & maintains consistency across the relations.
- (A) Entity Integrity Constraints
- (B) Referential Integrity Constraints
- (C) Domain Integrity Constraints
- (D) Domain Constraints
10 __________specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate.
- (A) GROUP BY Clause
- (B) HAVING Clause
- (C) FROM Clause
- (D) WHERE Clause
11 Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a __________ constraint.
- (A) Local Key
- (B) Primary Key
- (C) Composite Key
- (D) Foreign Key
12 ________ joins are SQL server default.
- (A) Outer
- (B) Inner
- (C) Equi
- (D) None of the above
13 The __________ is essentially used to search for patterns in target string.
- (A) Like Predicate
- (B) Null Predicate
- (C) In Predicate
- (D) Out Predicate
14 Which of the following is/are the Database server functions? i) Data management ii) Transaction management iii) Compile queries iv) Query optimization
- (A) i, ii, and iv only
- (B) i, ii and iii only
- (C) ii, iii and iv only
- (D) All i, ii, iii, and iv
15 To delete a database___________ command is used.
- (A) delete database database_name
- (B) Delete database_name
- (C) drop database database_name
- (D) drop database_name
16 _________ is a combination of two of more attributes used as a primary key.
- (A) Composite Key
- (B) Alternate Key
- (C) Candidate Key
- (D) Foreign Key
17 Which of the following is not the function of client?
- (A) Compile queries
- (B) Query optimization
- (C) Receive queries
- (D) Result formatting and presentation
18 _________ is a special type of stored procedure that is automatically invoked whenever the data in the table is modified.
- (A) Procedure
- (B) Trigger
- (C) Curser
- (D) None of the above
19 _________ requires that data should be made available to only authorized users.
- (A) Data integrity
- (B) Privacy
- (C) Security
- (D) None of the above
20 Some of the utilities of DBMS are ________. i) Loading ii) Backup iii) File organization iv) Process Organization
- (A) i, ii, and iv only
- (B) i, ii and iii only
- (C) ii, iii and iv only
- (D) All i, ii, iii, and iv
21 ___________ allows individual row operation to be performed on a given result set or on the generated by a selected by a selected statement.
- (A) Procedure
- (B) Trigger
- (C) Curser
- (D) None of above
22 Processed data is called ________.
- (A) Raw data
- (B) Information
- (C) Useful data
- (D) Source
23 ________ is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide auditing capability.
- (A) SQL server Profile
- (B) SQL server service manager
- (C) SQL server setup
- (D) SQL server wizard.
24 Data items grouped together for storage purposes are called a
- (A) record
- (B) title
- (C) list
- (D) string
25 _______ contains data assisting day to day activities of the organization.
- (A) Control database
- (B) Operational database
- (C) Strategic database
- (D) Sequential database
26 ____________ approach reduces time and effort required for design and lesser risk in database management.
- (A) Single global database
- (B) Top-down approach
- (C) Multiple databases
- (D) None of the above
27 HSAM stands for _________.
- (A) A) Hierarchic Sequential Access Method
- (B) B) Hierarchic Standard Access Method
- (C) C) Hierarchic Sequential and Method
- (D) D) Hierarchic Standard and Method
28 SQL server stores index information in the ________ system table.
- (A) systindexes
- (B) systemindexes
- (C) sysind
- (D) sysindexes
29 The one guideline to be followed while designing the database is
- (A) A database design may be ambiguous.
- (B) Unrelated data should be in the same table so that updating the data will be easy.
- (C) It should avoid/reduce the redundancy.
- (D) An entity should not have attributes.
30 Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
- (A) Chain
- (B) Network
- (C) Tree
- (D) Relational
31 ________ is a preferred method for enforcing data integrity
- (A) Constraints
- (B) Stored procedure
- (C) Triggers
- (D) Cursors
32 Reflexivity property says that X – Y is true if Y is ___________.
- (A) Subset of X
- (B) Null set of X
- (C) Super set of Y
- (D) Subset of Y
33 Anything that affects the database schema is a part of
- (A) DML
- (B) DCL
- (C) DDL
- (D) All of the above
34 An instance of a relation is a time varying set of ___________.
- (A) Tuples
- (B) Rows
- (C) Both of them
- (D) None of them
35 In the __________ mode any record in the file can be accessed at random
- (A) Sequential access
- (B) Random access
- (C) Standard access
- (D) Source access
36 Which can be used to delete all the rows if a table?
- (A) Delete * from table_name
- (B) Delete from table_name
- (C) Delete table_name
- (D) all rows cannot be deleted at a time.
37 Which if the following is not the type of data integrity?
- (A) Key integrity
- (B) Domain integrity
- (C) Entity integrity
- (D) Referential integrity
38 4NF stands for _______.
- (A) Fourth Normal File
- (B) Fourth Normal Form
- (C) Fourth Normal Fraction
- (D) Fourth Negative File
39 A _________ allows to make copies of the database periodically to help in the cases of crashes & disasters.
- (A) Recovery utility
- (B) Backup Utility
- (C) Monitoring utility
- (D) Data loading utility
40 _________ Allows definitions and query language statements to be entered; query results are formatted and displayed.
- (A) Schema Processor
- (B) Query Processor
- (C) Terminal Interface
- (D) None of the above
41 The main task carried out in the ___________ is to remove repeating attributes to separate tables.
- (A) First Normal Form
- (B) Second Normal Form
- (C) Third Normal Form
- (D) Fourth Normal Form
42 Mechanism developed to enforce users to enter data in required format is:
- (A) Data validation
- (B) Input mask
- (C) Criteria
- (D) Data verification
43 The raw facts and figures are:
- (A) Data
- (B) Information
- (C) Snapshot
- (D) Reports
44 The feature that database allows to access only certain records in database is:
- (A) Forms
- (B) Reports
- (C) Queries
- (D) Tables
45 Which filter method lets you filter the records that match the selected field?
- (A) Filter by form
- (B) Filter by selection
- (C) Auto filter
- (D) Advanced filter
46 Which filter method lets you filter records based on criterion you specify?
- (A) Filter by form
- (B) Filter by selection
- (C) Auto filter
- (D) Advanced filter
47 You can find Sort & Filter group of commands in
- (A) Home ribbon
- (B) Create ribbon
- (C) Database tools ribbon
- (D) Fields ribbon
48 Which of the following filter method is not available in Access?
- (A) Filter by selection
- (B) Filter by form
- (C) Advanced filter
- (D) None of above
49 By Grouped report you understand
- (A) Type of report generated by the Report Wizard
- (B) Type of report that present records sorted in ascending or descending order as you specify
- (C) Type of report that displays data grouped by fields you specified
- (D) None of above
50 The text you typed in Description column in Table Design View is displayed on
- (A) Description bar in forms
- (B) Report Footer when printed
- (C) Title bar of MS Access while entering data
- (D) Status bar while entering data
51 What is the maximum allowed field size for Boolean (Yes/No) fields?
- (A) 1
- (B) 8
- (C) 50
- (D) 255
52 What is the size of Data & Time field type?
- (A) 1
- (B) 8
- (C) 255
- (D) 50
53 Which of the following field type can store maximum data?
- (A) Yes/No fields
- (B) Date/Time fields
- (C) Text fields
- (D) Memo fields
54 To display associated record from related table in datasheet view you can
- (A) Double click the record
- (B) Apply filter by form command
- (C) Single click on expand indicator (+) next to the record
- (D) Double click on expand indicator (+) next to the record
55 Arrange according to size
- (A) Record, field, byte, bit
- (B) Bit, field, byte, record
- (C) Field, byte, record, bit
- (D) Byte, bit, record, field
56 What type of relationship exists between a Student table and Fees table?
- (A) One to one
- (B) One to many
- (C) Many to many
- (D) One to many and many to many
57 Identify the relationship between a Movie table and Stars table:
- (A) One to one
- (B) One to many
- (C) Many to many
- (D) None of above
58 What type of relationship exists between a Teacher table and Class table?
- (A) One to many
- (B) Many to many
- (C) One to one
- (D) Two to two
59 Which of the following relationship type is not possible to realize in Access Database directly?
- (A) One to one
- (B) One to many
- (C) Many to many
- (D) None of above
60 For which kind of relationship you need a junction table to reflect real world situation?
- (A) One to one
- (B) One to many
- (C) Many to many
- (D) None of above
61 What do you need if you should enforce many-to-many relationship between two tables?
- (A) Parent table
- (B) Child table
- (C) Junction table
- (D) Many-to-many relationship can’t be created in database
62 You can display data from multiple tables by using
- (A) Page break
- (B) Sub form
- (C) Columnar form
- (D) Tabular form
63 What is the best data type for a field that stores mobile numbers?
- (A) Text
- (B) Number
- (C) Date/Time
- (D) Memo
64 What field type is best to store serial numbers?
- (A) Number
- (B) AutoNumber
- (C) Text
- (D) Memo
65 Which of the following field type is used to store photograph of employees?
- (A) Memo
- (B) Picture
- (C) OLE
- (D) Photo
66 Which of the following method can be used to add more tables in a database?
- (A) Design View
- (B) Table Wizard
- (C) By Entering Data
- (D) All of above
67 From which version Microsoft introduced Backstage View for Access Interface?
- (A) Access 2003
- (B) Access 2007
- (C) Access 2010
- (D) Access does not have Backstage View
68 You can display Backstage View by clicking on
- (A) File menu
- (B) Home tab
- (C) Control box
- (D) Quick Access Toolbar
69 Why do you pin an item in list?
- (A) To mark it to delete from list
- (B) To move it up and make it always available
- (C) To make it default database when you open Access
- (D) None of above
70 The options like Save Open Database Print are available in
- (A) Home tab
- (B) Backstage View tab
- (C) File menu
- (D) Database Tools tab
71 What is relational database?
- (A) A place to store relational information
- (B) A database that is related to other databases
- (C) A database to store human relations
- (D) None of above
72 The advantage of computerized database over manual database is
- (A) We can get the information our quick
- (B) We can put in information quick
- (C) Solve the repeated information and consistency problem
- (D) All of above
73 Circular button with Office icon in it is
- (A) Control box
- (B) Office box
- (C) Company box
- (D) Control menu box
74 Group names in ribbon can be helpful to
- (A) Group the commands so that when you move one, you can move all of them together
- (B) Give a name for buttons on ribbon
- (C) Find the required option by inspecting through them
- (D) All of above
75 The options like Relationship SQL Server etc are found in
- (A) External data tab
- (B) Database tools tab
- (C) Create tab
- (D) Home tab
76 Navigation pane is placed on
- (A) The left of Access workspace
- (B) The right of Access workspace
- (C) Just below the Access workspace
- (D) Just above the status bar
77 You can filter the display of different Access objects in navigation pane from
- (A) View tab in ribbon
- (B) Drop down menu at the top of navigation pane
- (C) Sort & Filter group in Home menu
- (D) Database tab
78 The ascending order of a data hierarchy is:
- (A) bit-byte-record-field-file-database
- (B) byte-bit-field-record-file-database
- (C) bit-byte-field-record-file-database
- (D) bit-byte-file-record-field-database
79 Which of the following is true of a network structure?
- (A) t is a physical representation of the data
- (B) It allows a many-to-many relationship
- (C) It is conceptually simple
- (D) It will be dominant data base of the future
80 Which of the following is a problem of file management system?
- (A) difficult to update
- (B) lack of data independence
- (C) data redundancy
- (D) All of the above
81 One data dictionary software package is called
- (A) DB/DC dictionary
- (D) Datapac
82 The function of a database is _______.
- (A) to check all input data
- (B) to check all spelling
- (C) to collect and organize input data
- (D) to output data
83 What is the language used by most of the DBMSs for helping their users to access data?
- (A) High level language
- (B) SQL
- (C) Query Language
- (D) 4GL
84 The model for a record management system might be
- (A) handwritten list
- (B) a Rolodex card file
- (C) a business form
- (D) all of the above
85 Primitive operations common to all record management system include
- (A) print
- (B) sort
- (C) look-up
- (D) all of above
86 In a large DBMS
- (A) each user can “see” only a small part of the entire database
- (B) each subschema contains every field in the logical schema
- (C) each user can access every subschema
87 Information can be transferred between the DBMS and a
- (A) spreadsheet program
- (B) word processor program
- (C) graphics program
- (D) all of the above
88 Which of the following fields in a student file can be used as a primary key?
- (A) class
- (B) Social Security Number
- (C) GPA
- (D) Major
89 Which of the following is not an advantage of the database approach?
- (A) Elimination of data redundancy
- (B) Ability of associate deleted data
- (C) increased security
- (D) all of the above
90 Which of the following contains a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a certain period of time?
- (A) Report Writer
- (B) Query Language
- (C) Data Manipulation Language
- (D) Transaction Log
91 In the DBMS approach, application programs perform the
- (A) Storage function
- (B) Processing functions
- (C) Access Control
- (D) All of the above
92 A set of programs that handle a firm’s database responsibilities is called
- (A) database management system (DBMS)
- (B) database processing system (DBPS)
- (C) data management system (DMS)
- (D) all of above
93 Which is the make given to the database management system which is able to handle full text data, image data, audio and video?
- (A) full media
- (B) graphics media
- (C) multimedia
- (D) hypertext
94 A record management system
- (A) can handle many files of information at a time
- (B) can be used to extract information stored in a computer file
- (C) always uses a list as its model
- (D) both a and b
95 A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is
- (A) insert
- (B) modify
- (C) lookup
- (D) none of above
96 A transparent DBMS
- (A) cannot hide sensitive information from users
- (B) keeps its logical structure hidden from users
- (C) keeps its physical structure hidden from users
- (D) both b and c
97 A file produced by a spreadsheet
- (A) is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text format
- (B) can be used as is by the DBMS
- (C) both a and b
- (D) none of the above
98 Which of the following is not true of the traditional approach to information processing?
- (A) there is common sharing of data among the various applications
- (B) it is file oriented
- (C) programs are dependent on the file
- (D) it is inflexible
99 Which of the following hardware component is the most important to the operation of database management system?
- (A) high resolution video display
- (B) printer
- (C) high speed, large capacity disk
- (D) plotter
100 Generalized database management system does not retrieve data to meet routine request
- (A) TRUE