Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1 Abiotic environment does not include- (A) Air
- (B) Water
- (C) Soil
- (D) Plants
2 Chief source of energy in environment is……
- (A) Sun
- (B) Fire
- (C) Moon
- (D) Stars
3 Which of the following is the example of impact of development activities on Hydrosphere?
- (A) Air Pollution
- (B) Soil Pollution
- (C) Noise Pollution
- (D) Water Pollution
4 Physical environment is also called as…
- (A) Abiotic environment
- (B) Biotic environment
- (C) Man made environment
- (D) Psychological environment
5 The term environment is derived from an old French word “enviro” means….
- (A) Outside
- (B) Inside
- (C) Surroundings
- (D) Biotic community
6 Which of the following is not a component of 4Rs?
- (A) Reduce
- (B) Resell
- (C) Reuse
- (D) Recover
7 Layer which saves life from harmful effects of UV radiations is known as
- (A) Ozone Layer
- (B) Alpha Layer
- (C) Gama Layer
- (D) Infra Red Layer
8 Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is
- (A) Prophen
- (B) Ethane
- (C) Carbon di-oxide
- (D) Methane
9 71% of earth surface is covered with:
- (A) Land
- (B) Air
- (C) Water
- (D) Coal
10 Public awareness of environment creates ———————-
- (A) Environment protection
- (B) Environment degradation
- (C) Environmental improvement
- (D) Environmental cultivation
11 Major cause of Ozone depletion is due to which chemical?
- (A) Chlorofluorocarbons
- (B) Polyphenols
- (C) Dioxins
- (D) None of the above
12 The area where all the living organisms interact with each other and their environment is —————-
- (A) Biosphere
- (B) Exosphere
- (C) Mesosphere
- (D) None of the above
13 Acid rain contains…..
- (A) Sulphuric acid
- (B) Hydrochloric acid
- (C) Oxalic acid
- (D) Acetic acid
14 Conservation of soil and water is which type of function of forest resources?
- (A) Productive
- (B) Protective
- (C) Regulative
- (D) None
15 Which energy is converted into electrical energy by a solar cell?
- (A) Chemical Energy
- (B) Nuclear Energy
- (C) Solar energy
- (D) Magnetic Energy
16 When trees are cut, amount of oxygen………..
- (A) Decreases
- (B) Increases
- (C) Both A and B
- (D) Remains same
17 Renewable source of energy is_____
- (A) Coal
- (B) Petrol
- (C) Plants
- (D) Uranium
18 The term resource depletion is commonly associated with…….
- (A) Water uses
- (B) Fossil fuel consumption
- (C) Trees and fishing
- (D) All of the above
19 One of the Manmade Causes of Landslides is_________
- (A) Rain
- (B) Unsafe Mining Activities
- (C) Cyclones
- (D) Earthquakes
20 ___________is major driving force of all of our resource problems
- (A) Overconsumption
- (B) Population growth
- (C) Wastage
- (D) All the above
21 The wrong Agricultural practices contaminate the land resources and make it unsuitable for_______
- (A) Residence
- (B) Industrialization
- (C) Crop production
- (D) Landfill
22 The heat of the interior of the earth present at volcanic regions, geysers or hot springs is called as_____
- (A) Tidal energy
- (B) Solar energy
- (C) Geothermal energy
- (D) None of the above
23 At personal level how we conserve the energy?
- (A) Switch off fans and lights when not in use
- (B) Always switch on fans and lights
- (C) Switch on street lights in day time
- (D) Switch on energy appliances at public places
24 Resources that can be replenished naturally in the course of time are called ________
- (A) Cyclic resources
- (B) Renewable Resources
- (C) Non-renewable Resources
- (D) None
25 Dams are constructed across the river for generating ____
- (A) Thermal power
- (B) Wind power
- (C) Tidal power
- (D) Hydro electricity