Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1 Which of the following are the characteristics of continuous production system?- (A) Volume of production is small
- (B) Identical items
- (C) Make the order
- (D) Flow of production is not continuous
2 Which of the following is not type of product design?
- (A) Functional Design
- (B) Aesthetic Design
- (C) Packing Design
- (D) Process Design
3 How many types of Intermittent Production system?
- (A) 2
- (B) 3
- (C) 4
- (D) 5
4 Productivity =
- (A) Input / Output
- (B) Output / Input
- (C) Output – Input
- (D) Input – Output
5 The resources utilized for production are
- (A) Materials, Machines, Manpower
- (B) Materials, Methods, Machines
- (C) Machines, Manpower, Methods
- (D) Methods, Machine, Manpower
6 Productivity is the ____ of production system.
- (A) Measurement
- (B) Efficiency
- (C) Both A and B
- (D) None of the above
7 Productivity =
- (A) 1+ (Profit/Cost)
- (B) 1+ (Cost /Profit)
- (C) (Profit/Cost)
- (D) (Cost /Profit)
8 Productivity can be measured in which of the following input resources
- (A) Material input
- (B) Labour input
- (C) Capital and Land Input
- (D) All of the above
9 Productivity can be increased by
- (A) By increasing the output from the same input
- (B) By reducing the input for the same output
- (C) Both (A) and (B)
- (D) None of the above
10 Productivity is defined as:
- (A) Number of items manufactured per day
- (B) Output per man-hour of labour
- (C) Cost per unit
- (D) Cost per day
11 Process layout is employed
- (A) Where low volume of production is required
- (B) Where similar jobs are manufactured on similar machines
- (C) Where machines are arranged on functional basis
- (D) All of the above
12 Product layout is used for
- (A) Job production
- (B) Batch production
- (C) Mass production
- (D) Any one of these
13 Product layout best suited where
- (A) One type of product is produced
- (B) Product is standardized
- (C) Product is manufactured in large quantities
- (D) All of the above
14 Process layout best suited where
- (A) Specialization exists
- (B) Machines are arranged according to sequence of operation
- (C) Few numbers of non-standardized units is to be produced
- (D) Mass production is envisaged
15 Which of the following layouts is suited for mass production?
- (A) Process layout
- (B) Product layout
- (C) Fixed position layout
- (D) Plant layout
16 Which of the following are the principles of material handling?
- (A) Keep all the handling to the minimum
- (B) Select only efficient handling equipment
- (C) Move the heaviest weight to the least distance
- (D) All of the above
17 The most importance objective behind plant layout is
- (A) Overall simplification, safety of integration
- (B) Economy in space
- (C) Maximum travel time in plant
- (D) To provide conveniently located shops
18 Material handling in automobile industry is done by
- (A) Overhead crane
- (B) Trolley
- (C) Belt conveyor
- (D) All of the above
19 The most importance function of inventory control is
- (A) Stock control system
- (B) To run the stores effectively
- (C) Technical responsibility for the state of materials
- (D) All of the above
20 Material handling consists of movement of material from
- (A) One machine to another
- (B) One shop to another shop
- (C) Stores to shop
- (D) All of the above
21 Economy in material handling can be achieved by
- (A) Employing gravity feed movements
- (B) Minimizing distance of travel
- (C) By carrying material to destination without using manual labour
- (D) All of the above
22 Fork lift truck is used for
- (A) Lifting and lowering
- (B) Vertical transportation
- (C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
- (D) None of the above
23 The following is used to transport materials having flat bottoms
- (A) Belt conveyor
- (B) Roller conveyor
- (C) Chain conveyor
- (D) None of the above
24 Wheel barrows is used for
- (A) Lifting and lowering
- (B) Vertical transportation
- (C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
- (D) None of the above
25 Principle of ‘Unit load’ states that
- (A) Materials should be moved in lots
- (B) One unit should be moved at a time
- (C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
- (D) None of the above
26 The correct sequence of operations in production planning and control is
- (A) Routing-Scheduling-Dispatching-Follow up
- (B) Scheduling-Routing- Dispatching-Follow up
- (C) Dispatching-Routing-Scheduling- Follow up
- (D) Routing-Scheduling-Follow up-Dispatching
27 The bill of material does not consists of
- (A) Part number
- (B) Specifications of part
- (C) Name of the part
- (D) Price of the part
28 Loading may be defined as
- (A) Sending the raw material to the machine
- (B) Sending the finished material to the store
- (C) Assign the work to the facilities
- (D) Uploading a software in machine control panel
29 Which of the following is not included in the direct materials?
- (A) Raw materials
- (B) Consumable stores
- (C) Components
- (D) Finished goods
30 Which of the following is true for ‘Routing’?
- (A) It is flow of work in the plant
- (B) Route sheets include list of machine tools that are to be followed
- (C) It depends upon material handling facilities
- (D) All of the above
31 The responsibilities of the operations manager are:
- (A) Planning, organizing, staffing, procuring, and reviewing
- (B) Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling
- (C) Forecasting, designing, planning, organizing, and controlling
- (D) Forecasting, designing, operating, procuring, and reviewing
32 Process selection is primarily considered during:
- (A) Planning
- (B) Organizing
- (C) Leading
- (D) Controlling
33 The following are the activities for industrial engineering except
- (A) Productivity improvement and measurement
- (B) Selection of processes and assembling methods
- (C) Project Management and Appraisal
- (D) Architectural drawing of the floor plan
34 A distinguishing feature of the Industrial Engineer is;
- (A) The better use of mechanical and electronic equipments.
- (B) Integration of humans, machines, materials, and information to optimize the performance of systems using available resources in efficient way.
- (C) Integration of humans, machines, materials, and information to optimize the performance without degrading social and physical environments.
- (D) He/she must know perfectly how to engineer the industry with no help from any other engineering field.
35 Which one of the following jobs can be done by the Industrial Engineer at the best.
- (A) No answer here
- (B) Power plant management and Networks Configuration
- (C) Designs and improves the organizational processes.
- (D) Design of physical equipments/machines used for production
36 What is Industrial Engineering
- (A) No one can explain it because it is a wide scope and its existence is impossible.
- (B) It concerns with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials and process.
- (C) A branch of engineering that concerns with the implementation and evaluation of systems of people, knowledge, information, equipment, and process.
- (D) A branch of management science deals with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people and money only.
37 Who among the following gurus is not founder of Scientific Management
- (A) Frederick Taylor
- (B) Henry Gantt
- (C) Aristotle
- (D) Lilian Gilbreth
38 Industrial Engineering and Management can simply be defined as the branch of Engineering that concern with the
- (A) Development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems
- (B) Engineering the Industries of all types
- (C) Any Engineering field is the subset of IEM
- (D) Development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of processes
39 The following are some activities of IEM but except
- (A) Selection of processes and assembling methods
- (B) Design of facilities- layout of buildings, machines, equipments
- (C) Design of physical equipments/machines used for production
- (D) Selection and design of tools and equipments
40 Industrial Engineer is required to have both skills of
- (A) Technical and administrative/managerial
- (B) Technical and Accounting
- (C) Administrative and Professional skills
- (D) Marketing and Engineering
41 The following are the reasons for “Why Productivity Matters” but not
- (A) Lower costs
- (B) Lower prices
- (C) Lower standard of living
- (D) High market share
42 What is the productivity for a company produces 40kg of plastic parts of acceptable quality by consuming 50kg of raw material
- (A) 0.8
- (B) 1.25
- (C) 0.44
- (D) 2.25
43 Which of the Organization type “changes the PHYSICAL shapes and contents of the inputs transformed to get output”?
- (A) Service Organization
- (B) Supply Organization
- (C) Transport Organization
- (D) Manufacturing Organization
44 Organization is a collection and interaction of resources aimed at producing …….. or providing …..…
- (A) Goods, services
- (B) Products, goods
- (C) Services, supplies
- (D) Products, supplies
45 Any production system is typically like this transformation flow
- (A) Input-Process-Output
- (B) Process-Output
- (C) Input-Output-Process
- (D) Input-Output
46 Which of the Organization type “changes the STATE UTILITY of the customers”
- (A) Services Organization
- (B) Manufacturing Organization
- (C) Supply Organization
- (D) Transport Organization
47 Which of the Organization type “there is a change of OWNERSHIP in the process”
- (A) Services Organization
- (B) Manufacturing Organization
- (C) Supply Organization
- (D) Transport Organization
48 Which of the Organization type “changes the LOCATION of an item”
- (A) Services Organization
- (B) Manufacturing Organization
- (C) Supply Organization
- (D) Transport Organization
49 Which of the following statements cannot results to productivity increasing
- (A) Increasing output while input kept constant
- (B) Decreasing input while output kept constant
- (C) Increasing input while decreasing output
- (D) Increasing production(output) while decreasing input
50 One of the following doesn’t mean “Partial Productivity’
- (A) Indicates how much of a particular kind of input it takes to produce an output
- (B) Outputs/(Single kind of input)
- (C) (Total Output)/(Total Input)
- (D) How efficiently company use only one input, such as raw material, when creating outputs
51 One of the following does mean “Total Factor Productivity”
- (A) The ratio of net output to the labour and capital inputs
- (B) (Total Output)/(Total Input)
- (C) Net inputs/(Labour inputs + Capital inputs)
- (D) Indicates how much of a particular kind of input it takes to produce an output
52 For prosperity growth of any business we need
- (A) Both Effectiveness and Efficiency
- (B) Effectiveness only
- (C) Efficiency only
- (D) Sound like no answer
53 A fundamental attribute of TQM is
- (A) Drawing control charts
- (B) Having team meetings
- (C) Top management’s direct involvement
- (D) Meeting ISO 9000 audit
- (E) All of the above
54 Drawing control charts requires
- (A) Calculation of statistics from data
- (B) Adjusting the machines
- (C) Teamwork training of workers
- (D) Top management involvement
- (E) Meetings with suppliers
55 Inspection assures that
- (A) The process is in control
- (B) Workers are motivated
- (C) Product meets specification
- (D) Quality problems are solved
- (E) Supplier quality is acceptable
56 A control chart displays
- (A) Whether workers are motivated
- (B) Top management takes interest in quality
- (C) Inspectors are doing their job
- (D) Process variability
- (E) Process capability
57 Process capability =1 indicates that
- (A) Suppliers can be trusted
- (B) Workers are motivated
- (C) Process is in control
- (D) There are no random variations
- (E) Some fraction of production is outside specs
58 SPC helps determine
- (A) If assignable causes are disturbing the process
- (B) If vendor performance is falling
- (C) If customers are happy
- (D) If customers are motivated
- (E) If top management is involved
59 Vision states
- (A) Where the workers want to go after work
- (B) Whether we should use SPC
- (C) Whether we should use inspection
- (D) Where the company wants to be in the long run
- (E) That customers are the boss
60 Quality is wanting generally because
- (A) Workers lack team spirit
- (B) No competition exists
- (C) People don’t know statistics
61 A stakeholder is generally
- (A) Someone who manages the company
- (B) People who run the company’s payroll
- (C) Interested in the success of the enterprise
- (D) Only the customer
- (E) Only the vendor
62 Systematic problem solving requires
- (A) Motivating the worker
- (B) Defining the problem to be solved
- (C) Drawing control charts
- (D) Keeping management informed
- (E) Keeping tab on the environmental impact
63 ISO 9000 determines
- (A) If the company practices its written procedures
- (B) If vendors are performing well
- (C) Process capability
- (D) The kind of control chart to be used
- (E) Random causes of variation
64 An example of a random cause is
- (A) Absenteeism
- (B) Shortage of material supplies
- (C) Photocopy machine failure
- (D) Small vibrations in the equipment
- (E) Word Processor not having Spellchecker
65 An assignable cause is generally known to
- (A) Vendors
- (B) Top management
- (C) Product designer
- (D) Workers
- (E) Customers
66 Flow charts indicate
- (A) Causes of process variation
- (B) The kind of forms to fill out
- (C) Who reports to whom
- (D) How inputs get processed into outputs
- (E) How samples are rejected
67 A sampling plan helps in
- (A) Keeping the process in control
- (B) Keeping workers motivated
- (C) Tuning the machines
- (D) Adjusting ovens in the kitchen
- (E) Rejecting lots that are of unacceptable quality
68 Process Diagnosis determines
- (A) If the workers are doing their job
- (B) The possible cause of a failure
- (C) If control charts are in control
- (D) When top management should talk to vendors
- (E) If vendors are motivated
69 Team orientation means
- (A) Workers having lunch with their families
- (B) Workers getting daily briefing
- (C) Working collectively toward a common goal
- (D) Cooperation with government regulators
- (E) ISO 9000 orientation meetings
70 Creativity requires
- (A) Control charts
- (B) Complete knowledge of vendor’s capability
- (C) Managing the quality of ideas generated
- (D) Facilitation
- (E) Physical exercise
71 Problem identification requires
- (A) Flow charting the process
- (B) Monitoring customer complaints
- (C) Knowing how to draw control charts
- (D) Team meetings
- (E) Maintaining clean cafeterias
72 Problem solving begins with
- (A) Team discussions
- (B) SPC
- (C) Design of experiments
- (D) Problem identification
- (E) Punching time clock
73 Benchmarking determines
- (A) Customer requirements
- (B) Process capability
- (C) How company is doing relative to others
- (D) Getting ISO 9000 audit done
- (E) If management is motivated
74 Control charts help in
- (A) Reaching six sigma
- (B) Rejecting parts supplied by vendors
- (C) Keeping workers motivated
- (D) Deciding when to investigate the process
- (E) Zero defect production
75 Seven tools include
- (A) Team meetings
- (B) Management meeting regularly with workers
- (C) Workers’ toolkit
- (D) Histogram
- (E) All above
76 A Pareto chart shows
- (A) That the process is in control
- (B) The vital few from the trivial many
- (C) Process capability
- (D) A line drawn as production proceeds
- (E) Fraction defective
77 Individuals who have no role in quality management
- (A) Teachers in universities
- (B) Government regulators
- (C) Workers
- (D) ISO 9000 trainers
- (E) Vendors
78 Quality management requires
- (A) ISO 9000 certification
- (B) Workers not working overtime
- (C) Printing promotional brochures
- (D) Keeping internal customers satisfied
- (E) Keeping oil off the floor
79 A problem definition should include
- (A) A control chart
- (B) Names of members of the team
- (C) What the problem is and what it is not
- (D) Who was operating the machine that day
- (E) Ideas to solve the problem
80 The role of R&D is
- (A) To improve working conditions in the lab
- (B) To keep top management informed of competition
- (C) To regularly study control charts
- (D) To determine how processes work
- (E) To keep the company competitive
81 Efficiency means
- (A) There are no defects in the output
- (B) Process is capable
- (C) Cost of quality is low
- (D) Resources are made the most of
- (E) Workers arrive on time
82 The case of waiting too long at the elevator is
- (A) A well-structured problem
- (B) A candidate for control charts
- (C) Indication of timely arrival at work
- (D) Ignoring external customers
- (E) None of the above
83 The difference between manufacturing and service is
- (A) Nonexistent
- (B) Products cannot be inventoried
- (C) Service can’t be backordered
- (D) Production is instantaneous
- (E) Service is consumed as produced
84 Service quality cannot be managed when
- (A) No vendors are involved
- (B) Customer expectations are not known
- (C) Workers don’t meet regularly with management
- (D) Consultants are not consulted
- (E) Histogram cannot be drawn
85 Accuracy can be improved by
- (A) Use of Xbar charts
- (B) Team meetings
- (C) TQM principles
- (D) Management talking to workers
- (E) Customer visits
86 Design of Experiments implies
- (A) Good instruments used in the lab
- (B) Team meetings in product trials
- (C) A method to find factor effects
- (D) Aesthetic quality of products
- (E) Careful recording of data
87 Cause-effect diagram is used in
- (A) Problem identification
- (B) Field visits
- (C) Vendor surveys
- (D) Problem analysis
- (E) Negotiating with unions
88 Cost of quality is really
- (A) A way to prioritize actions
- (B) Cost of production
- (C) Cost of sales
- (D) Cost of high-quality products
- (E) An accounting jargon
89 The Baldrige Award is
- (A) A ISO 9000 requirement
- (B) An indication of SPC being used
- (C) Indication of no competition
- (D) Indication that TQM programs are effective
- (E) All of the above
90 TQM does not imply
- (A) Strong external customer orientation
- (B) Partnership with vendors
- (C) Meticulously re-stocking defective products
- (D) Training
- (E) Team meetings
91 Precision in production means
- (A) Workers are well-trained
- (B) Hi-tech equipment is used
- (C) Instruments are kept clean
- (D) Parts produced have little or no variation
- (E) Shop uses control charts
92 Accuracy implies
- (A) We know customer targets
- (B) Computerized machines
- (C) Average performance is on target
- (D) All products are of same size
93 Six sigma is
- (A) Latest Japanese Quality Theory
- (B) A BMW
- (C) Cpk = 2.0
94 The American model for TQM is
- (A) ISO 9000
- (B) ISO 14000
- (C) The Baldrige Award criteria
- (D) Use of control charts
- (E) Use of quality circles in the shop
95 Six Sigma implies
- (A) A statistical method
- (B) A trouble-shooting method
- (C) Teams are effective
- (D) 3 defects per million in output
- (E) All above
96 A service cannot be
- (A) Stored
- (B) Inspected
- (C) Targeted
- (D) Appraised
- (E) Flowcharted
97 SPC implies
- (A) Statistical process control
- (B) Use of control charts
- (C) Fixing assignable causes
- (D) Sometimes leaving the process alone
- (E) All above
98 A Stable Process has
- (A) No defects in output
- (B) 3 ppm output
- (C) Good control on vendors
- (D) Motivated workers
- (E) No variation with time in output
99 Fishbone diagrams are drawn
- (A) To find customer needs
- (B) To find the cost of quality
- (C) To brainstorm causes of an effect
- (D) To screen workers’ suggestions
- (E) To explain what the process does
100 Process Flow Charts help explain
- (A) Process steps and their relationship
- (B) Cost of quality
- (C) A clause in ISO 9000
- (D) Customer complaints
- (E) Assignable causes