Multiple Choice Questions
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1 The sun rises in—-east and sets in—-west.- (A) a, an
- (B) a, the
- (C) the, the
- (D) an, the
2 Mr. Vishal Khalane has always been —–disciplined faculty of English Department in this Institute.
- (A) a
- (B) the
- (C) an
- (D) None of the above
3 Could you please make—cup of tea for me?
- (A) an
- (B) a
- (C) the
- (D) No article
4 Shri. Narendra Modi is —–Prime Minister of India.
- (A) a
- (B) an
- (C) Both a and an
- (D) the
5 He is—-European who married to —- Indian.
- (A) The, a
- (B) an, a
- (C) a, a
- (D) a, an
6 I have seen—–movie you are talking about.
- (A) the
- (B) an
- (C) a
- (D) No article
7 Mr. Ravindra Panpatil is—-M.Sc. and Mr. Anil Andel is——Ph. D
- (A) the, a
- (B) a, an
- (C) an, a
- (D) a, a
8 Mr. Arvind Ghule sent—-SMS to Mr. Milind Patil who was listening to —-music.
- (A) the, a
- (B) a, an
- (C) an, a
- (D) an, the
9 The builder told Mr. Sandip Barde to sign—-papers.
- (A) the
- (B) a
- (C) an
- (D) All of the above
10 I saw Mr. Anil Andel while parking his car under—-tree.
- (A) an
- (B) a
- (C) the
- (D) no article
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12 Verb Tenses