Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1 Which of the following comes under Government sector?- (A) BOSCH
- (B) TATA
- (C) L & T Ltd
- (D) ONGC
2 To ensure, a long-term planning related to the required manpower, training and development for employees is required
- (A) Balance
- (B) Stability
- (C) Flexibility
- (D) All of these
3 Main aim of Public Sector is
- (A) Profit motive
- (B) Service motive
- (C) Service members
- (D) All of these
4 Which of the following is not a human cause for accidents in industry?
- (A) Oily or greasy floors
- (B) mental worries
- (C) carelessness
- (D) improper usage of tools
5 Accidents include injuries because of exposure to:
- (A) Harmful substances
- (B) Toxic gases
- (C) Dangerous fumes
- (D) All of these
6 Where death from accidents, amount of compensation given by which act
- (A) Factory Act
- (B) Minimum Wages Act
- (C) Workmen’s Compensation Act
- (D) All of the above
7 Tax paid by individual to Central Government of India it is called as
- (A) Service Tax
- (B) Income Tax
- (C) Excise Duty
- (D) VAT
8 Commission paid to salesmen, discount on bills they are debited in
- (A) Balance Sheet
- (B) Profit and Loss Account
- (C) Capital account
- (D) Trading account
9 A’ type of item are generally …. Of all inventories cost
- (A) 0%
- (B) 10%
- (C) 50%
- (D) 1%
10 ……… mainly focuses on the right quantity of items to be stored to reduce the cost associated with the inventories
- (A) ABC
- (B) EOQ
- (C) ERP
- (D) SAP
11 Input to MRP is
- (A) Master production schedule
- (B) Bill of Material file with lead time
- (C) Inventory record file
- (D) All of these
12 Objective of Purchasing are
- (A) To ensure quality of material
- (B) To procure right material
- (C) To procure material at reasonable price
- (D) All of these
13 ……… module facilitates processes of maintaining the stock levels in a
- (A) Production
- (B) Purchasing
- (C) Sales & Marketing
- (D) Inventory
14 The quality management system of ISO 9001: 2000 is based on
- (A) Customer focus
- (B) Involvement of people
- (C) Process approach
- (D) All of these
15 Do it Right First Time- it is principle of
- (A) ISO
- (B) TQM
- (C) TQP
- (D) All of these
16 A process whereby superiors and subordinates jointly set goals and assess contributions of Every one to the common goals is called —–
- (A) MBE
- (B) MBO
- (C) MBS
- (D) MBP
17 Departmentation on the basis of activities grouped according to the type of customer is —–.
- (A) departmentation by function
- (B) departmentation byproducts
- (C) departmentation by territory
- (D) departmentation by customers
18 Management By Objectives was introduced by —–.
- (A) Taylor
- (B) Elton Mayo
- (C) Peter Drucker
- (D) Maslow
19 Motivation based on force of fear is called —–.
- (A) negative motivation
- (B) positive motivation
- (C) extrinsic motivation
- (D) intrinsic motivation
20 out of following which is not the correct advantage of ‘Division of Work’?
- (A) extra pressure of work on very few reduced
- (B) quality of work gets reduced
- (C) monopoly in skills by few is reduced
- (D) work gets completed in less time
21 No smoking the factor is an example of —–.
- (A) rules
- (B) programme
- (C) project
- (D) schedule
22 Management is an organ; organs can be described and defined only through their functions. This definition was given by —–.
- (A) Peter F. Drucker
- (B) Terry.
- (C) Louis Allan.
- (D) Henry Fayol.
23 By India there is very large export of processed —–
- (A) fruits and vegetables
- (B) Chemicals
- (C) finished products
- (D) fishes
24 As per Factories Act “Factory” means any premises including the precincts there of where or more workers are working or were working on any day of the preceding 12 months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on.
- (A) 40
- (B) 20
- (C) 50
- (D) 100
25 Aim of financial management is at
- (A) control of cash
- (B) financial control
- (C) management of earnings
- (D) all of the above
26 computer software, goodwill, brands / trademarks, mining rights, copyrights and patents are known as —–
- (A) tangible assets
- (B) intangible assets
- (C) capital work in progress
- (D) none
27 —– is levied on the sale of commodity, it is produced or imported and sold for the first time.
- (A) customs duty
- (B) sales tax
- (C) service tax
- (D) gift tax
28 material handing cost means
- (A) loss due to deterioration
- (B) cost to be paid to consumer
- (C) cost of packing material
- (D) cost of handling material
29 C’ class items are —– % of the total number of items
- (A) 10-May
- (B) 15-25
- (C) 65-75
- (D) none of the above
30 To have selective control and focus attention only on important items —– will helps manager
- (A) ABC analysis
- (B) EOQ
- (C) inventory
- (D) none of the above
31 JIT (Just-In-Time) inventory control is an approach to inventory control, which stipulates those materials should arrive just, as they are needed, in the production process. Which of the following would generally not be associated with a successful JIT program, for the purpose of inventory control?
- (A) Well-organized receiving and handling of materials purchased from suppliers
- (B) Strong management commitment
- (C) Suppliers located in diverse and distant locations
- (D) High quality of materials purchased from suppliers
32 —– is a computer-based system designed to streamline and integrate various operation and information flows in the company
- (A) MRP
- (B) ERP
- (C) MPS
- (D) TQM
33 Each is led by the area supervisor and all circles are coordinated by a facilitator
- (A) Kaizen
- (B) 5 S
- (C) Quality Circle
- (D) ERP
34 Six sigma is improvement methodology
- (A) manufacturing
- (B) business
- (C) customer relationship
- (D) continuous
35 Following are the principles of: 1) System approach to management 2) Continual improvement 3) Factual approach to decision making 4) Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
- (A) Delegation
- (B) Organization
- (C) ISO:9001
- (D) EOQ
36 Which of the following organization belongs to Service Sector?
- (A) Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited
- (B) Bajaj Electricals Limited
- (C) Karmayogi Sahkari Sakhar Karkhana
- (D) Birla Sunlife Insurance Company Limited.
37 Identify the organization which belongs to Information Technology Sector.
- (A) Tata Consultancy Services Limited
- (B) Hindustan Antibiotics
- (C) Steel authority of India Limited
- (D) Bharat Electronics Limited
38 Which of the following is not an effect of globalization in India?
- (A) Increase in size of market
- (B) Increase in quality
- (C) Increase in foreign
- (D) Decrease in rainfall
39 Name the scientist who put forward the theory of ‘hierarchy of human needs’.
- (A) Elton Mayo
- (B) Abraham Maslow
- (C) Peter Drucker
- (D) Frank Gilbreth
40 Which theory was put forward by F.W. Taylor?
- (A) Management by objectives
- (B) Industrial management
- (C) Functional Management
- (D) Scientific Management
41 Which alternative can replace blank spaces in given statement? Statement: ‘ —– and must always go together.’
- (A) Authority, opportunity
- (B) Authority, responsibility
- (C) Authority, discipline
- (D) Accountability, productivity
42 Identify function of management from following alternatives.
- (A) Decision making
- (B) Conducting market survey
- (C) Maintenance of machines
- (D) Material handling
43 Identify correct meaning of Fayol’s principle ‘Subordination of individual interests to the general interests.’
- (A) individual interests are more important than general interests.
- (B) The general interests are more important than individual interests.
- (C) A subordinate should generally take interest in his work
- (D) Interests of individual subordinates finally result into general interest.
44 What is the correct sequence of control procedure? (P) taking corrective action(Q) Measuring actual performance (R) Setting up standard (S) Comparison of actual with Standard
- (A) RQSP
- (B) RPQS
- (C) RSQP
- (D) PQSR
45 Identify the alternative which does not indicate feature of a joint stock company?
- (A) Separate legal status
- (B) Unlimited Liability
- (C) Perpetual Succession
- (D) Separation of ownership and management
46 In which type of organization decision making activity consumes least time?
- (A) Line organization
- (B) Line and staff organization
- (C) Project Organization
- (D) Functional Organization
47 Some women from a village want to set up a small industrial unit to produce various types of Jams, Jellies, Juices from locally available fruits. Which form of ownership will be more suitable for this agro based industry?
- (A) Proprietary firm
- (B) Partnership firm
- (C) Co-operative Society
- (D) Private Limited Company
48 What is the most suitable base for departmentation for a company selling only washing machines over entire India?
- (A) Product
- (B) Process
- (C) Function
- (D) Territory
49 M/s Technica Private Limited is a medium scale industry which manufactures and sells machine tools. It requires services of experts in various fields like metallurgy, mechanical engineering, computer software, finance, manufacturing, etc. Which type of organization structure will be more suitable for this company?
- (A) Line organization
- (B) Line and staff organization
- (C) Project Organization
- (D) Functional Organization
50 Identify the alternative which can correctly replace blank spaces in following statement. Statement: According to Factories Act, women workers can work in factories only in hours between –.
- (A) 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- (B) 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
- (C) 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- (D) 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
51 Which industrial Act safeguards interests of workers against their exploitation regarding wages?
- (A) Payment of bonus Act
- (B) Minimum Wages Act
- (C) Workmen’s’ Compensation Act
- (D) Industrial Dispute Act
52 Identify from the following a mechanical cause of accident.
- (A) Operating at unsafe speed
- (B) Unsafe loading or unloading of goods
- (C) Physical or mental fatigue
- (D) Leakage of chemical through valve of storage tank
53 Which of the following is not the direct tax?
- (A) Excise duty
- (B) Municipal Property Tax
- (C) Income Tax
- (D) Gift Tax
54 The expenditure on which of following items can be classified as Working
- (A) Machine Tools
- (B) Electricity Generator
- (C) Maintenance of machines
- (D) Patents
55 Identify false statement out of given statements
- (A) Debenture holders are creditors of the company.
- (B) Debenture holders can vote in annual general meeting of the company.
- (C) Debenture holders get interest on their investment irrespective of Company’s financial performance.
- (D) Debenture holders have a charge on the assets of the company.
56 Which budget can be considered as summarized budget for entire organization?
- (A) Final Budget
- (B) Central Budget
- (C) Master Budget
- (D) Total Budget
57 Which pair is correctly matched? Group I :(p) Excise duty (q)Customs duty (r) Income Tax (s) VAT Group II: (a) Income of individual (b) Production of goods (c) Amount of value added (d) Import of goods
- (A) p-b, q-a, r-d, s-c
- (B) p-b, q-d, r-a, s-c
- (C) p-b, q-c, r-a, s-d
- (D) p-c, q-a, r-d, s-d
58 Which costs are optimized to find EOQ? (p)Procurement Cost (q) Material Cost(r) Labour Cost (s) Indirect Cost (t) Inventory carrying cost
- (A) (p)& (q)
- (B) (p), (q)& (t)
- (C) (p)& (t)
- (D) All (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t)
59 Which costs cannot be considered as inventory carrying cost?
- (A) Cost of storage of materials
- (B) and obsolescence of materials
- (C) Cost of insurance of material
- (D) Cost of placing purchase order for materials
60 What is lead time?
- (A) Time duration between placing an order to the supplier and actual receiving material
- (B) Time required to compare the quotations received
- (C) Time required between receiving the material and actual manufacturing
- (D) Total time required for purchase procedure
61 What is full form of ERP?
- (A) Employee Recruitment
- (B) Energy Resource Planning
- (C) Enterprise Resource
- (D) Export Revenue Planning
62 Which statement regarding ‘A’ category items in ABC analysis is false?
- (A) ‘A’ category items should be purchased in large quantity and less frequently
- (B) number but their share in annual consumption cost is maximum.
- (C) The safety stock for ‘A’ category items is kept less
- (D) ‘A’ category items require careful and accurate determination of EOQ.
63 What is the correct sequence of Purchase procedure? (P)Decision of purchasing(Q) Issuing Purchase order (R) Market analysis of material suppliers (S) Material requisition received (T)Material receiving, accepting and payment to supplier (U) Finalization of suppliers
- (A) S-P-R-Q-T-U
- (B) S-R-P-U-Q-T
- (C) S-Q-R-U-P-T
- (D) S-P-R-U-Q-T
64 Identify the position which is not included in organization for Quality Circle?
- (A) Facilitator
- (B) Director
- (C) Member, Steering
- (D) Leader
65 Identify incorrect statement from given alternatives.
- (A) Quality increases productivity.
- (B) Quality is defined by the customer.
- (C) The cost of non-quality is high.
- (D) Quality is negotiable.
66 What is not included in 5S?
- (A) Seiri
- (B) Seition
- (C) Shinto
- (D) Seiso
67 Find incorrect pair of ISO standard and Sedition its title.
- (A) ISO 9001: Model for Quality assurance in production, installation and servicing
- (B) ISO 9003: Model for Quality assurance in final inspection and testing
- (C) ISO 9004: Model for Quality management and Quality system
- (D) ISO 8402: Management of audit programmes
68 Which of the following is not principle of TQM?
- (A) Do it right first time.
- (B) Continuous improvement
- (C) Higher the quality, higher the cost.
- (D) Empowering the staff
69 Which two costs are optimized to find EOQ?
- (A) Procurement Cost and Production Cost
- (B) Procurement Cost and Inventory Carrying Cost
- (C) Selling Cost and Production Cost
- (D) Material Cost and Labour Cost
70 Which costs cannot be considered as procurement cost?
- (A) Cost of receiving quotation
- (B) Interest on capital invested in inventory
- (C) Cost of follow up and expediting purchase order
- (D) Cost of placing purchase order for materials
71 What is right meaning of inventory?
- (A) A collective term used for raw materials and consumables, work-in-process, finished goods.
- (B) A record of all inventions
- (C) A woman inventor
- (D) materials and consumables, work-in- process, finished goods are stored.
72 Which alternative can replace blank space in given statement? Statement: —– is a business management system which integrates all functional units of the business through a common corporate database.
- (A) Material requirement planning
- (B) Inventory Control
- (C) Enterprise Resource Planning
- (D) Management Information System
73 Which statement regarding preference shareholders is incorrect?
- (A) Preference shareholders enjoy voting right.
- (B) have first claim to get dividend.
- (C) Preference shareholders get fixed dividend /annum
- (D) Preference shareholders have low risk of investment.
74 Which of following cannot be considered as source of fixed capital?
- (A) Long term Loan from financial institutions
- (B) Retained Earnings
- (C) Bank overdraft
- (D) Long term Debentures
75 Which alternative can replace blank space in given statement? Statement: A —– is a forecast of revenues, expenses and resources over a specified future period of time.
- (A) Profit and Loss Statement
- (B) Cash flow statement
- (C) Budget
- (D) Balance Sheet
76 Which industrial Act safeguards interests of workers regarding their health, safety and welfare?
- (A) Indian Factories Act
- (B) Minimum Wages Act
- (C) Workmen’s’ Compensation Act
- (D) Industrial Dispute Act
77 Identify the cause of accident which is a personal factor?
- (A) Poor housekeeping in the plant.
- (B) Workers talking on mobile phones while operating machines.
- (C) Slippery floors because of spillage of oil on floor
- (D) Insufficient number of emergency exits and doors
78 Which of the following cannot be considered as welfare activity for workers?
- (A) Adequate ventilation by circulation of fresh air
- (B) Providing facility for sitting
- (C) Providing facility of canteen.
- (D) Providing facility of creches
79 Identify the alternative which can correctly replace blank spaces in following statement. Statement: According to Factories Act no adult worker should be required or allowed to work in a factory for more than –.
- (A) 12 hours in a day
- (B) 36 hours in a week
- (C) 48 hours in a week
- (D) 10 hours in a day
80 In following alternatives, some statements related with Public Sector are given. Identify which statement is incorrect.
- (A) Public sector Industries encourage development of underdeveloped regions of the country.
- (B) Public Sector leads to equitable distribution of wealth and income.
- (C) The main motive of public sector units is profit and social benefit is secondary motive.
- (D) Public sector generally dominates production of producer goods.
81 What is minimum number of members in a public limited company?
- (A) 2
- (B) 7
- (C) 20
- (D) 50
82 Which statement regarding Joint stock companies is incorrect?
- (A) Joint stock companies have no separate legal status than their members.
- (B) Members of joint stock company have limited Liability.
- (C) undertake several activities like expansion, modernization, diversification.
- (D) None of the above
83 In which form of ownership, the owner has to bear unlimited liability?
- (A) Private limited Company
- (B) Public limited Company
- (C) Proprietary firm
- (D) Co-operative Society
84 For which type of following business, the form of cooperative society will be the most suitable?
- (A) Manufacturing of sewing machines
- (B) Providing laundry services
- (C) Extraction of oil from groundnuts
- (D) Exploration of metals from mines
85 Identify the subfunction which is not included in Directing function.
- (A) Leadership
- (B) Communication
- (C) Co-ordination
- (D) Supervision
86 Identify the alternative which does not give function of middle level management.
- (A) To select suitable staff for lower level of management
- (B) To guide and instruct workers regarding daily workload
- (C) To evaluate performance of supervisors
- (D) To execute plans determined by top level of management.
87 Name the scientist who put forward the theory of ‘Scientific Management’.
- (A) Abraham Maslow
- (B) Frank Gilbreth
- (C) Henry Fayol
- (D) F.W. Taylor
88 Which of the following is not an Agro Industry based product?
- (A) Jute bags
- (B) Chemical Pesticide
- (C) Jaggery
- (D) Fruit Jam
89 Identify the organization which does not belong to Service Sector.
- (A) Tata Motors Limited
- (B) Bank of Maharashtra
- (C) General Insurance Corporation of India
- (D) Taj Group of Hotels
90 Identify false statement out of given statements in alternatives, regarding effects of globalization.
- (A) Cultural transfusion is creating threat to Indian culture and tradition.
- (B) Small scale industries are facing severe competition from large scale industries.
- (C) manufactured outside India are preferred by Indian customers compared to Indian products
- (D) Identity of nationality is enhanced due to foreign collaboration and multinational companies.
91 Which of the following organization belongs to Public Sector?
- (A) Bajaj Electricals Limited
- (B) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
- (C) Bhima Sahkari Sakhar Karkhana
- (D) Birla Sunlife Insurance Company Limited.
92 What is the first step of Purchase procedure? (P)Decision of purchasing (Q) Issuing Purchase order (R) Market analysis of material suppliers (S) Material requisition received (T)Material receiving, accepting and payment to supplier(U) Finalization of suppliers
- (A) Finalization of Supplier
- (B) Issuing Purchase Order
- (C) Material requisition received
- (D) Accepting material and making payment to supplier
93 What is the term used for slow but never-ending improvement in all aspects of life?
- (A) Kan Ban
- (B) Seiketsu
- (C) Kaizen
- (D) Poka Yoke
94 With reference to 5S, which pair of Japanese word and its meaning in English is not properly matched?
- (A) Seiri-Sustaining
- (B) Seition-Set in order
- (C) Seiso-Shining
- (D) Seiketsu-Standardizing
95 What is the correct sequence of planning procedure? (P) Planning premises (Q) Implementing Plan & taking corrective actions (R) Evaluating Alternatives &Selecting the best (S) Developing alternative Plans(T) Fixing objectives
96 M/s Madhura Sugars is a private firm in sugar industry which produces and sells sugar, that is produced by chemically processing sugarcane juice. Which type of structure is more suitable for this company?
- (A) Line organization
- (B) Line and staff organization
- (C) Project Organization
- (D) Functional Organization
97 Which of the following is not financial institution?
- (A) State Bank of India
- (B) Industrial Development Bank of India
- (C) State Financial Corporation
- (D) Unit Trust of India
98 Which statement regarding ‘Cocategory items in ABC analysis is true?
- (A) careful attention and accurate determination of EOQ.
- (B) number but their share in annual consumption cost is maximum.
- (C) ‘C’ category items should be purchased in large quantity and less frequently
- (D) ‘C’ category are less valuable.
99 Identify wrong statement regarding Quality Circle. (Q.C.)
- (A) Basic objective of Q.C. is to identify and solve work related problems for improving Quality and Productivity
- (B) based on concept that employees closest to the problem better understand nature of problem and its feasible solution.
- (C) Membership to Q.C. is compulsory
- (D) Q.C. Members meet regularly under guidance of their leader
100 KPO stands for
- (A) Knowledge Procedure Outsourcing
- (B) Knowledge Process Outsourcing
- (C) Knowledge Process Organization
- (D) None of above