Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1 In an organization which of following group is not present- (A) Labour working on a site
- (B) Employees doing discussion in work area
- (C) Meeting members in a company
- (D) Group of 15 people on bus stop
2 Which of the following statement is wrong?
- (A) Organization has no boundaries
- (B) It has aims and objectives
- (C) Organization is a group of working people
- (D) Organization is a system
3 Which of following is not objective of financial management?
- (A) Profit maximization
- (C) Wealth maximization
- (D) To ensure safe working condition
- (B) To ensure regular and adequate supply of funds
4 The capital required for a business is —–
- (A) Fixed capital
- (B) Working capital
- (C) Both (A) and (B)
- (D) None
5 Following fig. refers to:

- (A) Balance sheet
- (B) Profit and loss sheet
- (C) Budget sheet
- (D) Master Sheet
6 Which of the following is advantage of ABC ANALYSIS? —–
- (A) ABC analysis results in reduction of annual inventory cost
- (B) Importance to components which are critical for production
- (C) Cannot be used if some of the items are scarce and are not readily available
- (D) All of the above
7 EOQ is a formula that determines the ———–at which the combination of procurement costs and inventory carrying costs are least.
- (A) Quality
- (B) Cost
- (C) Profit
- (D) Quantity
8 Procurement costs:
- (A) They increase as quantity ordered increases
- (B) They decrease as quantity ordered decreases
- (C) They decrease as quantity ordered increases
- (D) None of the above
9 Quality consists of ——- to satisfy wants.
- (A) Capacity
- (B) Control
- (C) Quantity
- (D) Arrangement
10 Process employed to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or service is
- (A) Quality audit
- (B) 5s
- (C) Quality control
- (D) Quality circle
11 AGM stands for
- (A) Actual General Member
- (B) Annual General Meeting
- (C) Annual Great Meeting
- (D) Annual General Member
12 Finished goods means goods waiting for dispatched to:
- (A) Customer
- (B) Supplier
- (C) A and B
- (D) None of the above
13 Which of the following is in significant item?
- (A) A items
- (C) B items
- (D) C items
- (B) None of the above
14 Which of the following would represent an organizations Fixed Assets
- (A) Fixtures & Fittings
- (B) Cash at the Bank
- (C) Debtors
- (D) Retained Profit
15 Which of the following is/are Current Liabilities of the organization?
- (A) Motor Vehicles
- (B) Debtors
- (C) Creditors
- (D) Share Capital
16 Gross Profit is the difference between?
- (A) Sales Revenue & Opening Stock
- (B) Purchases & Closing Stock
- (C) Sale Revenue & Cost of Goods Sold
- (D) Sales Revenue & closing Stock
17 Maslow’s motivation theory is on the basis of human —–
- (A) Satisfaction
- (B) Needs
- (C) Maintenance factors
- (D) Rewards
18 Goal or target to be achieved is known as ——
- (A) Objective
- (B) Schedules
- (C) Procedures
- (D) Budgets
19 The chain of superiors from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization is —–
- (A) Unity of direction
- (B) Unity of command
- (C) Centralization
- (D) Scalar chain
20 An identified group of people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals is called an
- (A) Organization
- (B) Business
- (C) Management
- (D) Department
21 Exchange of ideas, opinions, information etc. between two or more persons is —–
- (A) Planning
- (B) Organizing
- (C) Communication
- (D) Staffing
22 India is awarded a certification of—–free country.
- (A) Cancer
- (B) Polio
- (C) Swine flu
- (D) AIDs
23 Excess inventory may lead to:
- (A) Profit
- (C) Loss
- (D) Funds
- (B) Less space
24 When we order and receive well in company it will include
- (A) Procurement cost
- (B) Inventory cost
- (C) Holding cost
- (D) None of the above
25 Following are the principles of …..1) Customer focus 2) Leadership 3) Involvement of people 4) Process approach
- (A) ERP
- (B) Organization
- (C) ISO: 9001
- (D) EOQ
26 —– industries are known as sunshine sector of Indian economy
- (A) Chemical
- (B) Information technology
- (C) Agricultural
- (D) Process
27 The purpose of business according to Drucker is
- (A) To get money
- (B) To acquire success in market
- (C) To satisfy customer
- (D) To create and keep customers
28 Which of the following is an example of a physical aspect of globalization?
- (A) Data travelling through computer networks
- (B) Television signals broadcast by satellite
- (C) Goods being transported across borders
- (D) The imagery of global brands
29 The———– process transform plans in to reality.
- (A) Planning
- (B) Organizing
- (C) Directing
- (D) All of above
30 The right of a person to give instructions to his subordinates is known as —-
- (A) Responsibility
- (B) Authority
- (C) Accountability
- (D) Line authority
31 Supply of human and material resources that helps to achieve the objective of business is
- (A) Planning
- (B) Organization
- (C) Management
- (D) Control
32 The process of dividing the large monolithic functional organization into small and flexible administrative units is called ——
- (A) Staffing
- (B) Delegation
- (C) Departmentation
- (D) Control
33 An environmental factor for accidents in industry is ——
- (A) Absence of proper protecting devices
- (C) Daydreaming
- (D) Improper ventilation
- (B) Protruding nails
34 As per Factories Act, “—–” of a factory means the person who has the ultimate control over the affairs of the factory.
- (A) Manager
- (B) Owner
- (C) Director
- (D) Occupier
35 Which of the following is the obligation imposed by Factories Act upon the employer with respect to his workers?
- (A) Health
- (B) Safety
- (C) Welfare
- (D) All the above.
36 XYZ company has to appoint —–if an organization is engaging 500 or more employees
- (A) Safety committee
- (B) Welfare officer
- (C) Plant committee
- (D) Safety officer
37 The function of financial management is —–
- (A) Record keeping
- (B) Profit maximization
- (C) Management of cash flow
- (D) All of the above
38 Debentures ——
- (A) Form the capital of the company
- (B) Fixed rate of interest is paid on debentures
- (C) It is the credit money of the company
- (D) None of the above
39 The summary of an organizations assets and Liabilities at a particular point in time is called?
- (A) Trading Account
- (B) Profit & Loss Account
- (C) Balance Sheet
- (D) Trade Balance
40 Which one of the following cannot be found in the Profit & Loss Account?
- (A) Depreciation of Motor Vehicles for the year
- (B) Telephone Expenses
- (C) Sales Goods returned
- (D) Wages/Salaries
41 An organization which produces DVD recorders has a Fixed Cost of Rs. 30,000. If the selling price is Rs. 350 each and Variable Costs are Rs. 100 per unit what is the number of units needed to reach the Break-Even point?
- (A) 80
- (B) 120
- (C) 250
- (D) 300
42 To preparation of ABC analysis First step is
- (A) Preparation of list of all
- (B) Determine unit price
- (C) Get annual consumption
- (D) None of the above
43 Which of the following is the name given to a bill of lading where goods have been received by a carrier free of defects?
- (A) Shipped bill of lading
- (C) Clause bill of lading
- (D) Ordinary bill of lading
- (B) Clean bill of lading.
44 Which of the following categories of materials handling equipment does a counterbalanced type‟ belong to?
- (A) Gravity Conveyor
- (B) Fork lift Trucks
- (C) Picking Robot
- (D) Warehouse Trolley
45 Warehouses and stockyards are two types of storage facilities. Which of the following is the most appropriate factor to consider in the design of a stockyard?
- (A) Structure
- (B) Services
- (C) Surface
- (D) Shelving
46 Process flow chart helps to explain
- (A) Process steps and their relationship
- (B) Cost of quality
- (C) A clause in ISO: 9001
- (D) Customer complaints
47 Name the curve shown in fig.

- (A) Normal distribution curve
- (B) Six sigma curve
- (C) Normal curve
- (D) Sigma curve
48 Quality is the relative term and is used with reference to –
- (A) Product
- (B) Quantity
- (C) ERP
- (D) MRP
49 It is the series of the quality management system standards created by the international organization for standardization
- (A) ERP
- (B) ISO 9001
- (C) EOQ
- (D) 5S
50 Classification of material as per their values and usage comes under
- (A) TQM
- (B) ABC analysis
- (C) ERP
- (D) None of the above
51 Which of the following statements is wrong?
- (A) Fixed assets are used over and over again for numbers of years
- (B) The capital invested in assets of durable nature for repeated use of long period is called fixed capital
- (C) Both
- (D) None
52 Which of the following is the wrong statement about capital?
- (A) It is needed to expand the business
- (B) It is needed to start the business
- (C) It is needed to run the business
- (D) None of the above
53 Fixed capital is not required for
- (A) Land
- (C) Building
- (D) Equipment and machinery
- (B) Cash to be maintained in emergency
54 Fixed capital can be financed through
- (A) Shares
- (B) Long term debentures
- (C) Loan from banks
- (D) All of the above
55 Employer has to do compensation in which of the following cases
- (A) Injury caused by accident
- (B) Injury caused during employment
- (C) Death after accident
- (D) All of the above
56 Which of the following statements is wrong?
- (A) Control is concentrated at the centre
- (B) Centralization gives power in the hands of center
- (C) Controlled by a central authority
- (D) Centralization always considers local issue
57 Urban co-operative bank refers to which of the following company type-
- (A) Single Ownership
- (B) Public ltd
- (C) Partnership Company
- (D) Co-operative company
58 Which is the last need in Maslow need hierarchy?
- (A) Social
- (B) Physiological
- (C) Safety
- (D) Self actualization
59 What is the next function after planning?
- (A) Decision making
- (B) Organizing
- (C) Staffing
- (D) Scheduling
60 Banks are regulated by
- (A) SBI
- (B) RBI
- (C) CBI
- (D) FBI
61 Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) increases –
- (A) Employment opportunity
- (B) Foreign Investment
- (C) Competition
- (D) All of the above
62 Excise duty is the amount of duty paid on —–of goods.
- (A) Sales
- (B) Production
- (C) Trading
- (D) Excise
63 Which one of the following is not a personal protective device?
- (A) Hand gloves
- (C) Helmet
- (D) Goggles
- (B) Pullover
64 Following business pattern do not come under service industry.
- (A) IT
- (B) Banking
- (C) Real Estate
- (D) Textile Mill
65 Too little inventory increases the risk of:
- (A) Out of stock condition
- (B) More stock
- (C) Theft
- (D) Can’t Predict
66 Kaizen is the name given by:
- (A) Chinese
- (B) Japanese
- (C) Korean
- (D) Thai
67 Meeting goals can increase:
- (A) Needs
- (B) Safety
- (C) Competition
- (D) Motivation
68 Food, Water, Sleep, Clothes, and an acceptable temperature are all examples of:
- (A) Physiological Need
- (B) Safely Needs
- (C) Competence Needs
- (D) Social Needs
69 The motivators are guided by:
- (A) Motivation
- (B) Need
- (C) Satisfaction
- (D) None
70 —–make products, from raw materials or component parts, which they then sell at a profit.
- (A) Service providers
- (B) Manufacturers
- (C) Traders
- (D) None
71 How do traders make profit?
- (A) In the form of commission
- (B) In the form of loans
- (C) In the form of shares
- (D) In the form of debentures
72 What is the main stay of Indian economy?
- (A) Agriculture
- (B) Chemicals
- (C) Engineering
- (D) Textile industry
73 Indian IT companies are not working in the —–business.
- (A) Telecom
- (C) Service
- (D) Software
- (B) Product development
74 Out of following which is the first activity in organizing?
- (A) Assigning the activities to manager
- (B) Grouping of activities
- (C) Delegation of authority to managers
- (D) Identifying the activities
75 They expect less but contribute more this happens in which phase?
- (A) Social needs
- (B) Safety needs
- (C) Self actualization
- (D) Esteem needs
76 Project organization is a —–organization structure.
- (A) Temporary
- (B) Permanent
- (C) Annual
- (D) Quarterly
77 —–is a voluntary organization formed to serve the members and the welfare of society.
- (A) Company
- (B) Co-operative society
- (C) Public limited company
- (D) None of the above
78 In a tall organization structure, the span of control is —–
- (A) Big
- (B) Wide
- (C) Narrow
- (D) Small
79 —–is a source of working capital.
- (A) Loans from commercial banks
- (B) Public deposits
- (C) Debenture
- (D) Subcontracting
80 Tools, lubricants, cutting fluids are —–.
- (A) Indirect materials
- (B) Finished goods
- (C) Work in progress
- (D) None of the above
81 —–helps managers to have selective control and focus attention only on important items
- (A) EOQ
- (B) ABC analysis
- (C) Inventory
- (D) None of the above
82 The —–provides the information about when to order and how much to order.
- (A) MRP
- (B) ERP
- (C) EOQ
- (D) Inventory
83 In kaizen the role of an employee is —–
- (A) To establish at the corporate level
- (C) To implement the process
- (D) To implement in the functional area
- (B) To participate
84 In line organization authority flows from—–?
- (A) Top to bottom
- (B) Bottom to top
- (C) Both a & b
- (D) None of these
85 An accident means unforeseen—–sudden mishap?
- (A) Uncontrolled
- (B) Controlled
- (C) Semi controlled
- (D) All above
86 Material Management is an—–activity?
- (A) Integrated
- (B) Isolated
- (C) Both a & b
- (D) None of these
87 The term Inventory management means—–?
- (A) Short list of items
- (B) Detailed list of items
- (C) List of important items
- (D) None of these
88 TQM stands for—–?
- (A) Total Quality management
- (B) Total Quantity management
- (C) Both a and b
- (D) None of these
89 KAIZEN theory uses—–theory?
- (A) 5S
- (B) 6S
- (C) 7S
- (D) 4S
90 6-Sigma is a—–method used for improvement?
- (A) Statistical
- (B) Mathematical
- (C) Both a and b
- (D) None of these
91 For creating Departments—–methods are used?
- (A) By Region
- (B) By Market
- (C) Customer
- (D) All above
92 If the capital in a business provided by one or two persons in the form of Shares with legal entity then it is called as—–?
- (A) Joint stock co.
- (B) Partnership co.
- (C) Public limited co.
- (D) None of these
93 To achieve the vision of an organization—–management works?
- (A) Upper level
- (C) Middle level
- (D) Lower level
- (B) Both A & B
94 Brainstorming is used by the management for:
- (A) Work allocation on the shop floor.
- (B) Generating alternative for problem solving
- (C) The promotion of research and development
- (D) Training employees
95 Analysis of causes of deviation is a part of —–Process
- (A) Motivation
- (B) Teamwork
- (C) Controlling
- (D) Leadership
96 Hospitality industry is mainly dependent on —–industry
- (A) Tourism
- (B) Agro
- (C) Textile
- (D) Process
97 Products are produced from raw materials by using engineering technology and —–
- (A) Tools
- (B) Equipments
- (C) Machinery
- (D) Money
98 Service sector has occupied —–of GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
- (A) 0%
- (B) 1%
- (C) 2%
- (D) 10%
99 —–department will be dedicated for safety related work only
- (A) Production
- (B) Safety
- (C) Sales
- (D) Accounting
100 Relationship between employer & employees is very important for the development & —–of any organization.
- (A) Growth
- (B) Stability
- (C) Increment
- (D) Survival